MAAA01 |
Administrative Specialist I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAA02 |
Administrative Specialist II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MAAA03 |
Administrative Specialist III |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAAB02 |
Corporations Assistant |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAB03 |
Corporations Specialist |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAB05 |
Corporations Section Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MAAB06 |
Corporations Administrator |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MAAB07 |
Corporations Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAAD02 |
Senior Data Entry Technician |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAE01 |
Election and Voter Registration Clerk |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAAE02 |
Election and Voter Registration Supervisor |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MAAE03 |
Election Office Manager |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAAF01 |
Imaging Operator I |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MAAF02 |
Imaging Operator II |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAAF03 |
Imaging Technician |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAF04 |
Imaging Supervisor |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAG01 |
Medical Records Technician |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAG02 |
Medical Records Administrator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAAH01 |
Telephone Operator |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MAAH02 |
Telephone Operator Supervisor |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAAI01 |
Vital Statistics Clerk I |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAAI02 |
Vital Statistics Clerk II |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAZ01 |
Administrative Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAAZ02 |
Clerical Assistant |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MAAZ03 |
Controller Generals Support Officer |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MAAZ04 |
Document Processing Supervisor |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAAZ05 |
Executive Assistant |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAAZ06 |
Executive Secretary |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAZ07 |
Identification and Records Coordinator |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAAZ09 |
Licensing Specialist |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAZ10 |
Mini/Micro Computer Supervisor |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAAZ11 |
Office Manager |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAZ12 |
Operations Support Specialist |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MAAZ14 |
Production Supervisor |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAZ15 |
Records Management Specialist |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAAZ16 |
Senior Clerk |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAAZ17 |
Statistical Information Supervisor |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAZ18 |
Statistician |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAAZ19 |
Program Coordinator |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAAZ21 |
Professional Regulation Systems Support Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABA01 |
Fiscal Associate I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MABA02 |
Fiscal Associate II |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MABD01 |
Internal Auditor I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABD02 |
Internal Auditor II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABD03 |
Internal Auditor III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABD04 |
Internal Auditor Supervisor |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABD05 |
Internal Auditor Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MABE01 |
State Auditor I |
$42,632.00 / $56,842.00 / $71,053.00 |
S11 |
MABE02 |
State Auditor II |
$48,567.00 / $64,756.00 / $80,945.00 |
S13 |
MABE03 |
State Auditor III |
$62,026.00 / $82,701.00 / $103,376.00 |
S17 |
MABE04 |
State Auditor IV |
$65,942.00 / $87,923.00 / $109,904.00 |
S18 |
MABE05 |
Administrative Auditor |
$79,102.00 / $105,469.00 / $131,836.00 |
S21 |
MABE06 |
Chief Administrative Auditor |
$95,351.00 / $127,134.00 / $158,918.00 |
S24 |
MABH01 |
Associate Fiscal and Policy Analyst |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABH02 |
Fiscal and Policy Analyst |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABH03 |
Senior Fiscal and Policy Analyst |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABH04 |
Assistant Chief of Fiscal and Policy Analysis |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABH05 |
Chief of Fiscal and Policy Analysis |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MABH06 |
Deputy Budget Director |
$96,526.00 / $120,657.00 / $144,788.00 |
025 |
M37 |
MABI01 |
Toll Collector |
$26,500.00 / $27,261.00 / $32,613.00 |
003 |
G06 |
MABI02 |
Toll Corporal |
$26,500.00 / $29,132.00 / $34,858.00 |
004 |
G06 |
MABI03 |
Toll Sergeant |
$31,622.00 / $39,527.00 / $47,432.00 |
006 |
M40 |
MABI04 |
Toll Plaza Operations Manager |
$45,907.00 / $57,384.00 / $68,861.00 |
012 |
M40 |
MABI05 |
Assistant Toll Operations Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MABJ01 |
Bank Examiner I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MABJ02 |
Bank Examiner II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABJ03 |
Bank Examiner III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABJ04 |
Bank Examiner IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABJ05 |
Chief Bank Examiner |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABJ06 |
Review Examiner |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABK01 |
Insurance Financial Analyst I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABK02 |
Insurance Financial Analyst II |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABK03 |
Insurance Financial Analyst III |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABK04 |
Insurance Financial Analyst IV |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABK05 |
Chief Insurance Financial Examiner |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABL01 |
Public Utility Analyst I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABL02 |
Public Utility Analyst II |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABL03 |
Public Utility Analyst III |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABM01 |
Lottery Field Representative |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MABM02 |
Lottery Field Services Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABM03 |
Manager Lottery Sales and Retailer Development |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABN02 |
Finance and Operations Program Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABP01 |
Unclaimed Property Claims Examiner I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABP02 |
Unclaimed Property Claims Examiner II |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABP03 |
Unclaimed Property Claims Supervisor |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABQ01 |
Lottery Security/Operations Specialist I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MABQ02 |
Lottery Security/Operations Specialist II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABQ03 |
Lottery Security/Operations Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABQ04 |
Lottery Security/Operations Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABR01 |
Fiscal Advisor I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MABR02 |
Fiscal Advisor II |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MABR03 |
Fiscal Advisor III |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABR04 |
Fiscal Advisor IV |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABR05 |
Fiscal Advisor V |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABR06 |
Fiscal Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MABR07 |
Fiscal Administrator I |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABR08 |
Fiscal Administrator II |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABS01 |
Tax Auditor I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABS02 |
Tax Auditor II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABS03 |
Tax Auditor III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MABS04 |
Tax Auditor Supervisor |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABS05 |
Tax Auditor IV |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABS06 |
Tax Auditor Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MABT01 |
State Accountant I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABT02 |
State Accountant II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABT03 |
State Accountant III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MABT04 |
State Accountant IV |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABT05 |
State Accounting Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MABT06 |
State Accounting Administrator I |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABT07 |
State Accounting Administrator II |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ01 |
Administrator Financial Determination Section |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABZ02 |
Assistant Production Supervisor |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MABZ07 |
Medicaid Reimbursement Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ08 |
Medicaid Surveillance Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ09 |
Collections and Disbursements Program Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABZ10 |
State Payroll Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ11 |
Assistant Director Financial Management |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ14 |
Unemployment Insurance Senior Quality Control Auditor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABZ15 |
Unemployment Insurance Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ16 |
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Payment Cont. Svc. Mgr. |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABZ19 |
Assistant Director Office of Business Taxes |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MABZ20 |
Assistant Director Office of Personal Taxes |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MABZ21 |
Assistant Director Personal Taxes & Account Services |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MABZ23 |
Public Service Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MABZ25 |
Unemployment Insurance Tax Operations Supervisor |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MABZ29 |
Assistant Cash/Debt Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ30 |
Budget and Program Analyst |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ31 |
Capital Program Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ32 |
Chief of Administration |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABZ33 |
Chief of Financial Management Services |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ35 |
DHSS Manager: Budget and Program Analysis Unit |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ36 |
Director of Bond Finance |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ37 |
Director of Management Efficiency |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABZ38 |
Director of Operations Office of the Controller General |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MABZ39 |
Economic/Fiscal Analyst |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ40 |
Economic/Fiscal Senior Analyst |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ41 |
Investment/Financial Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ42 |
Legislative Analyst |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ43 |
Senior Legislative Analyst |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABZ44 |
Medicaid Fiscal Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ47 |
Cash and Debt Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ49 |
Assistant Director, Lottery |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ50 |
Collection Enforcement Officer |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MABZ51 |
Insurance Examination Rehab. and Guarantee Manager |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ54 |
Lottery Corporate Accounts Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABZ56 |
Video Lottery Assistant Operations Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MABZ58 |
Revenue Production Processing Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABZ59 |
Revenue Accounts Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ60 |
Revenue Production Supervisor |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MABZ61 |
Tax Systems Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABZ62 |
Tax Collection Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MABZ63 |
Fiscal Analyst |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MABZ64 |
Fiscal Management Analyst |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MABZ65 |
Senior Fiscal Management Analyst |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MABZ66 |
Economic Market Leader |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ69 |
Supervisor Check Services |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MABZ70 |
Manager, Insurance Consumer Protection Enforcement |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MABZ71 |
Manager of Financial Reporting & Internal Control |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MABZ72 |
Director of Contributions and Plan Management |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ73 |
Internet Gaming Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MABZ74 |
Director of Debt and Cash Management |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MABZ76 |
Director of Operations Office of the State Treasurer |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MABZ77 |
Merchant Services Program Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MACC01 |
Training and Education Specialist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MACC02 |
Training and Education Specialist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MACC03 |
Training and Education Specialist III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MACC04 |
Training and Education Specialist IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MACC05 |
Training and Education Manager II |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACC07 |
Training and Education Manager I |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MACG01 |
Labor Relations & Employment Practices Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MACG02 |
Senior Labor Relations & Employment Practices Specialist |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACG03 |
Labor Relations and Employment Practices Administrator |
$109,438.00 / $145,917.00 / $182,396.00 |
A20 |
MACH01 |
Insurance Coverage Officer |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MACH02 |
Insurance Coverage Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACH03 |
Insurance Coverage Administrator |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MACI01 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Analyst I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MACI02 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Analyst II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MACI03 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Analyst III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MACI04 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Lead |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MACI05 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Data Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACI06 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Manager I |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACI07 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Manager II |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MACI08 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Administrator |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MACI09 |
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Analyst IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MACJ01 |
Human Resource Associate |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MACK01 |
Human Resource Advisor I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MACK02 |
Human Resource Advisor II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MACK03 |
Human Resource Advisor III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MACK04 |
Human Resource Supervisor |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MACK05 |
Human Resource Employee and Labor Relations Advisor |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MACK06 |
Human Resource Manager I |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACK07 |
Human Resource Manager II |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MACK08 |
Human Resource Administrator I |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MACK09 |
Human Resource Administrator II |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MACK10 |
Human Resource Administrator III |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MACL01 |
State Human Resource Analyst I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MACL02 |
State Human Resource Analyst II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MACL03 |
State Human Resource Analyst III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MACL04 |
State Human Resource Analyst IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MACL05 |
State Human Resource Supervisor |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MACL06 |
State Human Resource Manager I |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MACL07 |
State Human Resource Manager II |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MACL08 |
State Human Resource Administrator |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MACZ04 |
Administrator Office of Workers Compensation |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MACZ07 |
Teachers Aide |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MACZ08 |
Teaching Assistant |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MACZ09 |
Training Academy Administrator |
$75,464.00 / $94,330.00 / $113,196.00 |
020 |
M40 |
MACZ13 |
Apprenticeship and Training Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MACZ14 |
Deputy Director State Fire School |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MADA01 |
Application Programmee |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MADA02 |
Application Programmer |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MADA03 |
Application Support Specialist |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MADA04 |
Senior Application Support Specialist |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADA05 |
Application Support Project Leader |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADA06 |
Manager of Application Support |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MADB01 |
DELJIS Information Specialist |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADB02 |
DELJIS Operations Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MADC01 |
Information Systems Manager |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MADC02 |
Director DHSS Information Resource Management |
$96,526.00 / $120,657.00 / $144,788.00 |
025 |
M37 |
MADD01 |
Database Administrator I |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADD02 |
Database Administrator II |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADE01 |
Computer Operator I |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MADE02 |
Computer Operator II |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MADE03 |
Computer Operator III |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MADE04 |
Computer Operator IV |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MADE05 |
Computer Operations Supervisor I |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MADF01 |
Telecommunications/Network Technician I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MADF02 |
Telecommunications/Network Technician II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MADF03 |
Telecommunications/Network Technician III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MADF04 |
Telecommunications/Network Technician IV |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADF05 |
Telecommunications/Network Technician Supervisor |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADF06 |
Telecommunications/Network Technician Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADF07 |
Telecommunications/Network Technologist I |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MADF08 |
Telecommunications/Network Technologist II |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADF09 |
Telecommunications/Network Technologist III |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MADF10 |
Telecommunications/Network Technologist Supervisor |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MADF11 |
Telecommunications/Network Technologist Manager |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MADZ01 |
Legislative Information System Specialist |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MADZ02 |
Senior Budget/Legislative Information System Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADZ03 |
Data Processing Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MADZ04 |
Director DHSS Application Technology |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MADZ05 |
Information Systems Support Specialist |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MADZ06 |
Manager Biggs Data Center |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MADZ07 |
Manager DOL Data Center |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MADZ08 |
Manager of Computer & Application Support |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADZ09 |
Manager Strategic Information Systems Projects |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MADZ10 |
Programmer Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADZ11 |
Strategic Information Systems Project Leader |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MADZ12 |
Strategic Information Systems Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MADZ13 |
Systems Manager/Computer Engineer |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MADZ15 |
Data Specialist |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADZ16 |
Data Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADZ17 |
Manager of Base Technologies |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MADZ18 |
DHSS Manager of Base Technologies |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MADZ19 |
ERP Systems Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MADZ21 |
Senior Systems Software Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MADZ25 |
Information Systems Auditor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MADZ26 |
Director DHSS Infrastructure |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MADZ27 |
Information Security and Compliance Officer |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MADZ28 |
DELJIS Security Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MADZ29 |
Director of DOC Information Technology |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MAEA02 |
Housing Development Administrator |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MAEB01 |
Assistant Right-of-Way Agent |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAEB02 |
Right-of-Way Agent I |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAEB03 |
Right-of-Way Agent II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAEB04 |
Right-of-Way Agent III |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MAEB05 |
Right-of-Way Agent IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAEB06 |
Chief Right-of-Way Agent |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MAEZ02 |
Housing Property and Loan Management Officer |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAEZ07 |
Construction Project and Loan Management Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MAEZ08 |
Cemetery Superintendent |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MAFA01 |
Public Utility Hearing Officer |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAFA02 |
Senior Public Utility Hearing Officer |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MAFC01 |
Judicial Case Processor I |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAFC02 |
Judicial Case Processor II |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAFC03 |
Judicial Case Processor III |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MAFC04 |
Judicial Case Manager I |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAFC05 |
Judicial Case Manager II |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAFC06 |
Judicial Case Processing Supervisor |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAFC07 |
Judicial Case Management Supervisor |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MAFC08 |
Judicial Operations Manager |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAFD01 |
Paralegal I |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAFD02 |
Paralegal II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAFD03 |
Paralegal III |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAFD04 |
Legal Services Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAFE01 |
Electronic Court Reporter I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAFE03 |
Chief Electronic Court Reporter |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAFE04 |
Electronic Court Reporter II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MAFF01 |
Regulatory Policy Administrator |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MAFF02 |
Senior Regulatory Policy Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MAFG01 |
Assistant Registrar of Regulations |
$96,722.00 / $128,962.00 / $161,203.00 |
A18 |
MAFG02 |
Registrar of Regulations |
$109,438.00 / $145,917.00 / $182,396.00 |
A20 |
MAFZ01 |
Unemployment Compensation Appeals Referee |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAFZ02 |
Chief Unemployment Insurance Appeals Referee |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAFZ03 |
Deputy Court Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAFZ04 |
Diversion Services Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAFZ05 |
Insurance Legal Representative |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MAFZ06 |
Justice of the Peace Court Operations Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAFZ08 |
Mediation Unit Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAFZ10 |
Public Hearing Officer |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAFZ11 |
Senior Public Hearing Officer |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MAFZ12 |
Legislative Attorney |
$96,722.00 / $128,962.00 / $161,203.00 |
A18 |
MAFZ13 |
Senior Legislative Attorney |
$109,438.00 / $145,917.00 / $182,396.00 |
A20 |
MAFZ14 |
Regulatory Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAGA02 |
Supply, Storage and Distribution Clerk II |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MAGA03 |
Supply, Storage and Distribution Clerk III |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MAGA04 |
Supply, Storage and Distribution Technician I |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MAGA05 |
Supply, Storage and Distribution Technician II |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MAGA06 |
Supply, Storage and Distribution Supervisor |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MAGA07 |
Supply, Storage and Distribution Coordinator |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAGC01 |
State Contract Procurement Officer I |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAGC02 |
State Contract Procurement Officer II |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MAGC03 |
State Contract Procurement Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAGC04 |
State Contract Procurement Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAGD01 |
Purchasing Services Coordinator I |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MAGD02 |
Purchasing Services Coordinator II |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MAGD03 |
Purchasing Services Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAGZ01 |
DBE Highway Construction Specialist |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MAGZ02 |
DBE Program Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAGZ03 |
Facilities Operations Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MAGZ04 |
Highway Equipment Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAGZ05 |
Manager Federal Food Commodities Program |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MAGZ06 |
WIC Vendor/Field Representative |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAGZ09 |
Employment and Training Contract Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAGZ10 |
Highway Equipment Contract Administrator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAGZ11 |
Contract/Consultant Control Coordinator |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MAGZ12 |
Community Mental Health Program Contract Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MAGZ14 |
DOT Contract Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MAGZ15 |
Surplus Properties Specialist |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAGZ16 |
Surplus Properties Technician |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MAGZ17 |
Surplus Property Program Administrator |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MAHZ01 |
Administrative Officer |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAHZ02 |
Community Mental Health Center Services Coordinator |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MAHZ04 |
Manager Support Services DOC |
$66,646.00 / $83,307.00 / $99,968.00 |
018 |
M40 |
MAIA01 |
Business Analyst I |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAIA02 |
Business Analyst II |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MAIA03 |
Business Analyst III |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAIA04 |
Business Analyst Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MAIA05 |
Business Analyst Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MAIB01 |
Project Manager I |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAIB02 |
Project Manager II |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MAIB03 |
Project Manager III |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAIB04 |
Project Manager IV |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MAIB05 |
Project Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MAIC01 |
Lean Continuous Improvement Analyst I |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MAIC02 |
Lean Continuous Improvement Analyst II |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MAIC03 |
Lean Continuous Improvement Analyst III |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAIC04 |
Lean Continuous Improvement Manager |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MAIC05 |
Lean Continuous Improvement Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MAID01 |
Change Management Specialist I |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MAID02 |
Change Management Specialist II |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MAID03 |
Change Management Senior Specialist |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MBAA01 |
Investigator I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MBAA02 |
Investigator II |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MBAA03 |
Investigator III |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MBAA04 |
Investigative Supervisor |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MBAB03 |
Chief Forensic Investigator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MBAC01 |
Market Conduct Examiner |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MBAC02 |
Market Conduct Examiner and Licensing Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MBAZ04 |
Public Utility Complaints Investigator |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MBAZ06 |
Unemployment Insurance Quality Control Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MBAZ07 |
Deputy Administrator, Insurance Fraud |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MBAZ08 |
Administrator, Insurance Fraud Bureau |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MBAZ10 |
Consumer Protection Enforcement Operations Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MBAZ12 |
DELJIS Investigator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MBBA04 |
Alcohol & Tobacco Police Lieutenant |
$78,710.00 / $104,947.00 / $131,184.00 |
C16 |
S40 |
MBBB01 |
Capitol Police Recruit |
$48,328.00 / $59,996.00 / $74,995.00 |
C07 |
S40 |
MBBB06 |
Capitol Police Lieutenant |
$45,142.00 / $56,427.00 / $67,712.00 |
13A |
N40P |
MBBB07 |
Capitol Police Major |
$78,710.00 / $104,947.00 / $131,184.00 |
C16 |
S40 |
MBBC04 |
Deputy Fire Marshal IV |
$58,858.00 / $73,573.00 / $88,288.00 |
016 |
M40 |
MBBC05 |
Deputy Fire Marshal V |
$66,646.00 / $83,307.00 / $99,968.00 |
018 |
M40 |
MBBD01 |
Natural Resources Police Trainee |
$48,328.00 / $59,996.00 / $74,995.00 |
C07 |
S40 |
MBBD07 |
Natural Resources Police Captain |
$54,759.00 / $68,449.00 / $82,139.00 |
16A |
N40D |
MBBD08 |
Natural Resources Police Major |
$62,285.00 / $77,856.00 / $93,427.00 |
18A |
N40D |
MBBZ02 |
Intelligence Analyst |
$48,850.00 / $61,062.00 / $73,274.00 |
013 |
M40 |
MBBZ03 |
Chief of Delaware Animal Services |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MBCA01 |
Driver Improvement Associate |
$32,731.00 / $40,789.00 / $48,847.00 |
010 |
G05 |
MBCA02 |
Driver Improvement Hearing Associate |
$34,984.00 / $43,605.00 / $52,226.00 |
011 |
G05 |
MBCA03 |
Driver Improvement Assistant/Hearing Officer |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MBCD02 |
Motor Vehicle Associate II |
$30,623.00 / $43,775.00 / $52,530.00 |
009 |
G04 |
MBCD03 |
Motor Vehicle Associate III |
$32,731.00 / $46,581.00 / $55,897.00 |
010 |
G04 |
MBCD04 |
Motor Vehicle Associate Supervisor |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MBCZ01 |
Chief of Driver Services |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MBCZ04 |
License Program Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MBCZ05 |
Motor Vehicle General Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MBCZ06 |
Motor Vehicle Program Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MBCZ08 |
Chief of Vehicle Services |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MBCZ09 |
Chief of Motor Vehicle Compliance and Investigations |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MBDA01 |
Correctional Officer/Canine Handler |
$49,278.51 / $53,641.00 / $67,051.00 |
008 |
U10D |
MBDB01 |
Correctional Officer |
$45,000.00 / $50,465.00 / $63,081.00 |
007 |
U10D |
MBDB07 |
Correctional Security Superintendent |
$94,837.00 / $126,449.00 / $158,061.00 |
C19 |
S40 |
MBDB08 |
Correctional Staff Sergeant |
$56,321.47 / $60,648.00 / $75,810.00 |
010 |
U10D |
MBDC03 |
Inmate Classification Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MBDE01 |
Court Security Officer I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MBDE02 |
Court Security Officer II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MBDE03 |
Court Security Officer Supervisor |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MBDE04 |
Chief of Court Security |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MBDF01 |
Deputy Warden I |
$107,384.00 / $143,179.00 / $178,974.00 |
C21 |
S40 |
MBDF02 |
Warden I |
$107,384.00 / $143,179.00 / $178,974.00 |
C21 |
S40 |
MBDF03 |
Deputy Warden II |
$114,268.00 / $152,357.00 / $190,446.00 |
C22 |
S40 |
MBDF04 |
Warden II |
$114,268.00 / $152,357.00 / $190,446.00 |
C22 |
S40 |
MBDF05 |
Warden III |
$121,593.00 / $162,124.00 / $202,655.00 |
C23 |
S40 |
MBDF06 |
Warden IV |
$129,387.00 / $172,516.00 / $215,645.00 |
C24 |
S40 |
MBDF07 |
Warden V |
$137,680.00 / $183,573.00 / $229,466.00 |
C25 |
S40 |
MBDG01 |
Gaming Inspector I |
$35,806.00 / $44,757.00 / $53,708.00 |
008 |
M40 |
MBDG02 |
Gaming Inspector II |
$40,543.00 / $50,679.00 / $60,815.00 |
010 |
M40 |
MBDG03 |
Gaming Inspection Supervisor |
$48,850.00 / $61,062.00 / $73,274.00 |
013 |
M40 |
MBDG04 |
Gaming Inspection Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MBDH01 |
DSHS Security Officer |
$31,622.00 / $39,527.00 / $47,432.00 |
006 |
M40 |
MBDH02 |
DSHS Senior Security Officer |
$35,806.00 / $44,757.00 / $53,708.00 |
008 |
M40 |
MBDI03 |
Forensic Security Officer Supervisor |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MBDZ01 |
Security Officer |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MBDZ06 |
Security Officer Supervisor |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MBDZ07 |
Security and Grounds Superintendent |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MBEA04 |
Probation and Parole Supervisor |
$55,313.00 / $69,141.00 / $82,969.00 |
015 |
M40 |
MBEA05 |
Probation and Parole Operations Administrator |
$62,631.00 / $78,289.00 / $93,947.00 |
017 |
M40 |
MBEA06 |
Probation and Parole Regional Manager |
$75,464.00 / $94,330.00 / $113,196.00 |
020 |
M40 |
MBEA07 |
Director of Probation and Parole |
$90,926.00 / $113,657.00 / $136,388.00 |
023 |
M40 |
MBEZ01 |
Victim Services Program Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MCAB01 |
Custodial Worker |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MCAB02 |
Senior Custodial Worker |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MCAB03 |
Custodial Supervisor I |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MCAB04 |
Custodial Supervisor II |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MCAB05 |
Custodial Superintendent |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MCAB06 |
Custodial Superintendent II |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MCAC01 |
Housekeeper |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MCAC02 |
Executive Housekeeper |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MCAD01 |
Laundry Worker |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MCAD02 |
Laundry Supervisor |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MCAD03 |
Laundry Manager |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MCBA01 |
Cook |
$26,500.00 / $29,226.00 / $34,971.00 |
005 |
G24 |
MCBA02 |
Senior Cook |
$26,500.00 / $31,237.00 / $37,384.00 |
006 |
G24 |
MCBA03 |
Cook Supervisor |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCBA04 |
Assistant Food Service Director |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MCBA05 |
Food Service Director I (37.5) |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MCBA06 |
Food Service Director II |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MCBB05 |
Correctional Officer/Youth Rehab Food Service Director I |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MCBB06 |
Correctional Officer/Youth Rehab Food Service Director II |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MCBB07 |
Correctional Food Service Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MCBD01 |
Food Service Worker |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MCBD02 |
Senior Food Service Worker |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MCBD03 |
Food Service Supervisor |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MCBZ01 |
Business Enterprise Program Director |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MCBZ02 |
Executive Cook |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCBZ03 |
Visually Impaired Business Service Supervisor |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MCBZ04 |
Food Service Quality Control Administrator |
$55,313.00 / $69,141.00 / $82,969.00 |
015 |
M40 |
MCCA21 |
Equipment Mechanic I |
$32,501.00 / $43,334.00 / $54,168.00 |
Q06 |
MCCA22 |
Equipment Mechanic II |
$34,529.00 / $46,038.00 / $57,548.00 |
Q07 |
MCCA23 |
Equipment Mechanic III |
$36,687.00 / $48,916.00 / $61,145.00 |
Q08 |
MCCA24 |
Equipment Mechanic IV |
$38,980.00 / $51,973.00 / $64,966.00 |
Q09 |
MCCA25 |
Master Mechanic |
$41,422.00 / $55,229.00 / $69,036.00 |
Q10 |
MCCB01 |
Automotive Supervisor I |
$35,685.00 / $47,413.00 / $59,141.00 |
010 |
G02 |
MCCB02 |
Automotive Supervisor II |
$40,672.00 / $54,063.00 / $67,454.00 |
012 |
G02 |
MCCD01 |
Assistant Area Supervisor |
$35,685.00 / $47,413.00 / $59,141.00 |
010 |
G02 |
MCCD02 |
Maintenance Area Supervisor I |
$40,672.00 / $54,063.00 / $67,454.00 |
012 |
G02 |
MCCD03 |
Maintenance Area Supervisor II |
$43,434.00 / $57,745.00 / $72,056.00 |
013 |
G02 |
MCCE01 |
Graphics & Printing Technician I |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MCCE02 |
Graphics & Printing Technician II |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MCCE03 |
Graphics & Printing Technician III |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCE04 |
Graphics & Printing Technician IV |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MCCE06 |
Graphics & Printing Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MCCE07 |
Support Operations Manager |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MCCF02 |
Adaptive Equipment Technician II |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MCCH06 |
Correctional Physical Plant Maintenance Superintendent I |
$73,969.00 / $98,625.00 / $123,281.00 |
C15 |
S40 |
MCCH07 |
Correctional Physical Plant Maintenance Superintendent II |
$78,710.00 / $104,947.00 / $131,184.00 |
C16 |
S40 |
MCCK01 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Helper |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MCCK02 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Mechanic I |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MCCK03 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Mechanic II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCK04 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Mechanic III |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MCCK05 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Foreman |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MCCK06 |
Physical Plant Maintenance Supervisor |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MCCK07 |
Physical Plant Maintenance Superintendent I |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MCCK08 |
Physical Plant Maintenance Superintendent II |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MCCK39 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Technician |
$32,731.00 / $40,789.00 / $48,847.00 |
010 |
G07 |
MCCL01 |
Fleet Services Technician |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MCCL02 |
Fleet Services Field Supervisor |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCM02 |
Traffic Sign Installer Specialist |
$26,500.00 / $29,226.00 / $34,971.00 |
005 |
G01 |
MCCM03 |
Traffic Sign Installation Supervisor |
$32,731.00 / $40,789.00 / $48,847.00 |
010 |
G01 |
MCCZ01 |
Assistant Rangemaster |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCZ03 |
Automotive Body Mechanic II |
$26,809.00 / $33,386.00 / $39,963.00 |
007 |
G07 |
MCCZ07 |
Correctional Facility Maintenance Manager |
$66,646.00 / $83,307.00 / $99,968.00 |
018 |
M40 |
MCCZ12 |
District Maintenance Superintendent |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MCCZ13 |
Electrical and Mechanical Supervisor |
$51,047.00 / $68,062.00 / $85,078.00 |
E13 |
MCCZ14 |
Research Vessel Captain |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MCCZ15 |
Highway Equipment Superintendent |
$43,434.00 / $57,745.00 / $72,056.00 |
013 |
G02 |
MCCZ16 |
HVAC/Refrigeration Technician |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MCCZ17 |
Instrument Technician |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MCCZ19 |
Manager of Expressway Maintenance |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MCCZ20 |
Photo-Reproduction Technician |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MCCZ21 |
Plumbing Inspector |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MCCZ22 |
Prison Industries Director |
$66,646.00 / $83,307.00 / $99,968.00 |
018 |
M40 |
MCCZ23 |
Publications/Exhibits Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MCCZ25 |
Senior Deputy Boiler Inspector |
$58,043.00 / $77,391.00 / $96,739.00 |
B12 |
MCCZ26 |
Voting Machine Technician |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCZ27 |
Master Electrician |
$45,181.00 / $60,241.00 / $75,301.00 |
E11 |
MCCZ28 |
Welder |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCZ29 |
Groundskeeper I |
$29,250.00 / $30,755.00 / $36,906.00 |
003 |
M37 |
MCCZ30 |
Rangemaster |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MCCZ31 |
Transportation Coordinator |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MCCZ39 |
Groundskeeper II |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MDAA01 |
Environmental Health Specialist I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDAA02 |
Environmental Health Specialist II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDAA03 |
Environmental Health Specialist III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDAB01 |
Epidemiologist I |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDAB02 |
Epidemiologist II |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDAB03 |
Epidemiologist III |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MDAB04 |
Epidemiologist IV |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDAD01 |
Safety Consultant I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDAD02 |
Safety Consultant II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDAD03 |
Safety Consultant III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDAE01 |
Industrial Hygienist I |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDAE02 |
Industrial Hygienist II |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDAZ03 |
Biometrician |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MDAZ05 |
Indoor Air Quality Program Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDAZ07 |
Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Health Specialist |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDAZ09 |
Workplace Safety Program Coordinator |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MDBA01 |
Hospital Administrator I |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDBA02 |
Hospital Administrator II |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDBB04 |
State Service Center Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDBB05 |
Regional State Service Center Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDBC01 |
Program Compliance Specialist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDBC02 |
Program Compliance Specialist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDBC03 |
Program Compliance Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDBC04 |
Program Compliance Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDBZ01 |
Director of Community Planning Program Development & Training |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MDBZ04 |
Health Care Cost Containment Specialist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDBZ05 |
Health Facility Certification Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDBZ06 |
Health Facility Certification Officer |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDBZ07 |
Health Program Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDBZ08 |
Manager of Quality Improvement |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDBZ10 |
Medicaid Services Specialist |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDBZ13 |
Paramedic Program Analyst |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDBZ14 |
Quality Assurance Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDBZ15 |
Quality Assurance/Error Reduction Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDBZ16 |
Workforce Safety and Support Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDBZ17 |
Quality Assurance Program Manager |
$69,597.00 / $92,796.00 / $115,995.00 |
F16 |
MDBZ18 |
Risk Management Safety Officer |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDCA01 |
Active Treatment Facilitator |
$29,146.00 / $30,358.00 / $36,430.00 |
006 |
U02A |
MDCA02 |
Active Treatment Supervisor |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MDCC02 |
Activity Therapist II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDCD01 |
Nursing Assistant |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MDCE01 |
Radiation Control Specialist |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDCE02 |
Senior Radiation Control Specialist |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDCI01 |
Health Program Representative |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MDCI02 |
Senior Health Program Representative |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MDCZ02 |
Dental Assistant |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MDCZ03 |
Developmental Disabilities Center Assistant Director |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MDCZ04 |
Developmental Disabilities Center Director |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDCZ05 |
Dieticians Assistant |
$29,146.00 / $30,358.00 / $36,430.00 |
006 |
U02A |
MDCZ06 |
Genetic Counselor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDCZ07 |
Utilization Reviewer |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDCZ08 |
Habilitation/Rehabilitation Specialist II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MDCZ09 |
Activity Therapy Program Coordinator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDCZ11 |
Dental Hygienist |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDDA01 |
Child Support Specialist I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDA02 |
Child Support Specialist II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDA03 |
Child Support Specialist III |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDA04 |
Child Support Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDB01 |
Employment Services Specialist I |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MDDB02 |
Employment Services Specialist II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDB03 |
Employment Services Specialist III |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MDDB04 |
Employment Services Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDC01 |
Family Crisis Therapist |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDC02 |
Family Crisis Therapist Supervisor |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDE01 |
Human Relations Representative I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDE02 |
Human Relations Representative II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDE03 |
Human Relations Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDF01 |
Labor Law Enforcement Officer I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDF02 |
Labor Law Enforcement Officer II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDF03 |
Labor Law Enforcement Supervisor |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDDF04 |
Administrator Labor Law Enforcement |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDF05 |
Labor Law Enforcement Officer III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDH01 |
Behavior Analyst |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDDH02 |
Senior Behavior Analyst |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDH03 |
Behavior Analyst Supervisor |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDI01 |
Family Services Program Analyst |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDI02 |
Family Services Program Support Administrator |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDI03 |
Family Services Program Support Supervisor |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDI04 |
Family Services Program Support Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDJ01 |
Hospital Social Services Administrator I |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDJ02 |
Hospital Social Services Administrator II |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDDK01 |
Mental Health Program Administrator I |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDK02 |
Mental Health Program Administrator II |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDL01 |
Public Health Treatment Program Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDL02 |
Public Health Administrator I |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDL03 |
Public Health Administrator II |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MDDL04 |
Public Health Administrator III |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MDDM01 |
Social Services Assistant County Operations Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDM02 |
Social Services County Operations Manager I |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDM03 |
Social Services County Operations Manager II |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDDN01 |
Family Service Assistant I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MDDN02 |
Family Service Assistant II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MDDO01 |
Social Service Specialist I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MDDO02 |
Social Service Specialist II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MDDO03 |
Social Service Specialist III |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDQ01 |
Family Service Specialist |
$40,057.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
G33 |
MDDQ02 |
Senior Family Service Specialist |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDQ03 |
Master Family Service Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDQ04 |
Family Service Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDQ05 |
Family Services Program Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDR02 |
Behavioral Health Case Manager II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDR03 |
Behavioral Health Case Manager III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDS01 |
Disability Determination Adjudicator I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDS02 |
Disability Determination Adjudicator II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDS03 |
Disability Determination Senior Adjudicator |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDDS04 |
Disability Determination Casework Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDS05 |
Disability Determination Administrator |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDT01 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Assistant I |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MDDT02 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Assistant II |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MDDU01 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDU02 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDU03 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Senior Counselor |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDDV04 |
Youth Care Specialist Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDX01 |
Child Care Licensing Specialist |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDX02 |
Child Care Licensing Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDY01 |
Behavioral Health Administrator I |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDY02 |
Behavioral Health Administrator II |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDY03 |
Behavioral Health Administrator III |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MDDY04 |
Behavioral Health Administrator IV |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MDDZ01 |
Administrative Case Review Specialist |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ02 |
Adolescent Treatment Services Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDZ03 |
Adult Diagnostic Unit Coordinator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ04 |
Assistant Youth Rehabilitation Institutional Superintendent |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MDDZ07 |
Chief of Employment, Training & Policy |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ09 |
Clinic Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ10 |
Clinical Services Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ11 |
Intellectual Developmental Disability Shared Living Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDZ13 |
Community Mental Health Center Site Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ14 |
Community Mental Health Director |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MDDZ15 |
Community Work Program Coordinator |
$43,142.00 / $53,927.00 / $64,712.00 |
011 |
M40 |
MDDZ16 |
Correctional Treatment Services Director |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ17 |
Health Services Clinic Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDDZ20 |
Developmental Disabilities Assistant Director Residential Services |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ21 |
Developmental Disabilities Director Residential Services |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MDDZ22 |
Developmental Disabilities Director Habilitation Services |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ23 |
Developmental Disabilities Regional Program Director |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ24 |
Developmental Disabilities Sheltered Workshop Business Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ25 |
Developmental Disabilities Assistant Program Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ26 |
Developmental Disabilities Program Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ27 |
Developmental Disabilities Residential Unit Manager |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDZ28 |
Director of Rehabilitation & Human Support Services |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ29 |
Director DHSS Community Services |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MDDZ30 |
Director Alcohol/Drug Services |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDDZ31 |
Director of Professional Services |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MDDZ32 |
Disability Determination Quality Assurance Senior Reviewer |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDDZ33 |
Disability Determination Hearing Officer |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ34 |
Disability Determination Medical Relations Officer |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ36 |
DSH Sheltered Workshop Assistant Director |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDZ38 |
Employment and Training Area Operations Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ39 |
Employment and Training Operations Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ41 |
Employment and Training Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ42 |
Family Court Program Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDZ43 |
Family Court Senior Program Coordinator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ44 |
Managed Care Systems Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ45 |
Manager Substance Abuse & Mental Health Program Plan. & Dev. |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ46 |
Paramedic Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ49 |
Residents Protection Administrator, LTC |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MDDZ52 |
Social Service Administrator |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ53 |
Social Services Senior Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ54 |
Social Service Chief Administrator |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ56 |
Social Services Technician |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MDDZ57 |
Health/Human Service Case Manager I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDZ58 |
Health/Human Service Case Manager II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDZ59 |
Health/Human Service Case Manager Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ61 |
Substance Abuse Program Administrator |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ62 |
Therapy and Rehabilitation Services Director |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ64 |
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Supervisor |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDDZ65 |
Unemployment Insurance Local Office Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ70 |
Unemployment Insurance Local Office Supervisor |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDDZ71 |
Unit Director |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ72 |
Executive Director of Veterans Affairs |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MDDZ73 |
Vocational Rehabilitation District Administrator |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ74 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Job Placement Specialist |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MDDZ76 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Deputy Director |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MDDZ78 |
Work Service Program Coordinator |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDDZ79 |
Youth Rehabilitation Institution Superintendent |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDDZ80 |
Youth Rehabilitation Program Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDDZ83 |
Youth Rehabilitation Community Services Program Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MDDZ84 |
Manager Sheltered Workshop f/t Visually Impaired |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDDZ85 |
Senior Child Development Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDDZ86 |
Psychiatric Social Service Director II |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ87 |
Correctional Treatment Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MDDZ89 |
Family Court Intake Services Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDDZ90 |
Director of Community Health Services |
$85,246.00 / $106,558.00 / $127,870.00 |
023 |
M37 |
MDEA01 |
Dentist |
$132,761.00 / $177,014.00 / $221,268.00 |
D16 |
MDEA02 |
Dentist Administrator |
$145,811.00 / $194,415.00 / $243,019.00 |
D18 |
MDEB01 |
Physician |
$145,811.00 / $194,415.00 / $243,019.00 |
D18 |
MDEB02 |
Chief Physician |
$167,360.00 / $223,146.00 / $278,933.00 |
D21 |
MDEB03 |
Medical Director |
$191,132.00 / $254,842.00 / $318,553.00 |
D24 |
MDEC01 |
Psychiatrist I |
$159,960.00 / $213,280.00 / $266,600.00 |
D20 |
MDEC02 |
Psychiatrist II |
$172,078.00 / $229,437.00 / $286,796.00 |
D22 |
MDEC03 |
Psychiatrist III |
$176,345.00 / $235,126.00 / $293,908.00 |
D23 |
MDEC04 |
Chief Psychiatrist |
$191,132.00 / $254,842.00 / $318,553.00 |
D24 |
MDED01 |
Assistant Veterinarian Medical Officer |
$100,198.00 / $133,597.00 / $166,996.00 |
W19 |
MDED02 |
Veterinarian Medical Officer |
$120,733.00 / $160,977.00 / $201,221.00 |
W22 |
MDFA03 |
Nutritionist III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDGB01 |
Registered Nurse I |
$46,102.00 / $61,469.00 / $76,836.00 |
N11 |
MDGB02 |
Registered Nurse II |
$51,972.00 / $69,296.00 / $86,620.00 |
N13 |
MDGB03 |
Registered Nurse III |
$58,873.00 / $78,497.00 / $98,121.00 |
N15 |
MDGB04 |
Nursing Supervisor |
$62,587.00 / $83,449.00 / $104,311.00 |
N16 |
MDGB06 |
Assistant Nursing Director |
$75,245.00 / $100,326.00 / $125,408.00 |
N19 |
MDGB07 |
Nursing Administrator |
$75,245.00 / $100,326.00 / $125,408.00 |
N19 |
MDGB08 |
Nursing Director |
$85,092.00 / $113,456.00 / $141,820.00 |
N21 |
MDHA01 |
Chaplain I |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MDHA02 |
Chaplain II |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MDHA03 |
Manager of Chaplaincy Services |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDIA01 |
Psychologist |
$82,431.00 / $109,908.00 / $137,385.00 |
Y18 |
MDIA02 |
Psychologist Supervisor |
$93,283.00 / $124,377.00 / $155,471.00 |
Y20 |
MDIA03 |
Psychology Manager |
$99,227.00 / $132,303.00 / $165,379.00 |
Y21 |
MDIA04 |
Clinical/Accountability Director |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MDIZ01 |
Psychological Assistant |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDJZ01 |
Pharmacist Compliance Officer |
$82,588.00 / $110,117.00 / $137,646.00 |
P16 |
MDJZ02 |
Pharmacist Administrator |
$87,861.00 / $117,148.00 / $146,435.00 |
P17 |
MDKA01 |
Therapy Assistant |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MDKA02 |
Therapist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDKA03 |
Therapist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDKA04 |
Therapist III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MDKA05 |
Therapist IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDLA01 |
Volunteer Services Coordinator |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MDLA02 |
Volunteer Services Administrator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDLB01 |
Supervisor of Foster Grandparents |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDLB02 |
Foster Grandparent Program Manager |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDMA01 |
Youth Rehabilitation Treatment Specialist |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDMA02 |
Youth Rehabilitation Master Treatment Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDMA03 |
Youth Rehabilitation Treatment Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MDMB01 |
Clinical Behavioral Health Specialist |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MDMB02 |
Clinical Behavioral Health Supervisor |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MDMC01 |
Comprehensive Background Check Analyst I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MDMC02 |
Comprehensive Background Check Analyst II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MDMC03 |
Comprehensive Background Check Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MEAA01 |
Curator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MEAZ02 |
Correctional Arts Program Coordinator |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MEAZ03 |
Cultural Conservation Program Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MEAZ04 |
Cultural Preservation Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MEAZ05 |
Exhibit Art Specialist |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MEAZ06 |
Museum/Historic Site Supervisor |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MEAZ07 |
Museum/Historic Site Interpreter |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MEAZ08 |
Natural Heritage Program Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MEBA01 |
Information Resources Specialist I |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MEBA02 |
Information Resources Specialist II |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MEBA03 |
Information Resources Specialist III |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MEBA04 |
Information Resources Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MEBA05 |
Information Resources Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MEBC01 |
Library Associate |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MEBC02 |
Senior Librarian |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MEBC03 |
Administrative Librarian |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MEBZ01 |
Library Technician |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MECA01 |
Public Information Officer |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MECA02 |
Community Relations Officer |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MECA03 |
Community Relations Coordinator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MECA04 |
Chief Community Relations |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MECB01 |
Marketing Specialist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MECB02 |
Marketing Specialist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MECB03 |
Marketing Specialist III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MECZ01 |
Communications Dispatcher |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MECZ03 |
Editor/Producer |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MECZ04 |
Employment and Training Youth Program Coordinator |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MECZ05 |
Insurance Forms and Information Analyst |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MECZ06 |
State Public Information Specialist |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MECZ07 |
Manager of Consumer Services and Investigations |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MECZ08 |
Ombudsman |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MECZ09 |
Ombudsman Adult Long Term Care Facility |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MFAA01 |
Communications Systems Technician |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MFAA02 |
Communications Systems Specialist |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MFAA03 |
Senior Communication Systems Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MFAA04 |
Communications Systems Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFAA05 |
Communications Systems Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFAB01 |
Intelligent Transportation Systems Technician I |
$26,500.00 / $31,237.00 / $37,384.00 |
006 |
G01 |
MFAB02 |
Intelligent Transportation Systems Technician II |
$28,649.00 / $35,686.00 / $42,723.00 |
008 |
G01 |
MFAB03 |
Intelligent Transportation Systems Technician III |
$32,731.00 / $40,789.00 / $48,847.00 |
010 |
G01 |
MFAB04 |
Intelligent Transportation Systems Technician IV |
$37,399.00 / $46,624.00 / $55,849.00 |
012 |
G01 |
MFAB05 |
Intelligent Transportation Systems Technician Supervisor |
$39,984.00 / $49,855.00 / $59,726.00 |
013 |
G01 |
MFAB07 |
Traffic Operations Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFAZ01 |
Photo/Video Traffic Technician |
$28,649.00 / $35,686.00 / $42,723.00 |
008 |
G01 |
MFBA01 |
Engineering/Planning/Surveying Technician I |
$29,646.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
M37 |
MFBA02 |
Engineering/Planning/Surveying Technician II |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MFBA03 |
Engineering/Planning/Surveying Technician III |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MFBA04 |
Engineering/Planning/Surveying Technician IV |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MFBA05 |
Engineering/Planning/Surveying Technician V |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFBC01 |
Engineer I |
$49,735.00 / $66,313.00 / $82,891.00 |
G11 |
MFBC02 |
Engineer II |
$56,690.00 / $75,586.00 / $94,483.00 |
G13 |
MFBC03 |
Engineer III |
$64,089.00 / $85,452.00 / $106,815.00 |
G15 |
MFBC04 |
Engineer IV |
$72,465.00 / $96,620.00 / $120,775.00 |
G17 |
MFBC05 |
Engineer V |
$81,947.00 / $109,262.00 / $136,578.00 |
G19 |
MFBC06 |
Engineer VI |
$87,149.00 / $116,198.00 / $145,248.00 |
G20 |
MFBC07 |
Engineer Program Manager I |
$72,465.00 / $96,620.00 / $120,775.00 |
G17 |
MFBC08 |
Engineer Program Manager II |
$87,149.00 / $116,198.00 / $145,248.00 |
G20 |
MFBC09 |
Assistant Director Transportation Engineering |
$98,581.00 / $131,441.00 / $164,301.00 |
G22 |
MFBZ01 |
Architect |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFBZ02 |
Building Support Systems Engineer |
$77,055.00 / $102,740.00 / $128,425.00 |
G18 |
MFBZ03 |
Chief of Engineering and Operations |
$92,480.00 / $123,307.00 / $154,134.00 |
G21 |
MFCA03 |
Fire Protection Specialist III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFCA04 |
Fire Protection Specialist IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFDA03 |
Labor Market Information Supervisor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFDA04 |
Labor Market Economist |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MFDB01 |
Management Analyst I |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MFDB02 |
Management Analyst II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MFDB03 |
Management Analyst III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MFDC01 |
Research Specialist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MFDC02 |
Research Specialist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MFDC03 |
Research Specialist III |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFDZ02 |
Developmental Disabilities Program Evaluator |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MFDZ03 |
Developmental Disabilities Director of Quality Assurance |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MFDZ04 |
DPC Assistant Hospital Director |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MFDZ05 |
DOT Legislative Projects Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MFDZ06 |
Director, Economic Forecasting and Tax Policy Analysis |
$90,710.00 / $113,388.00 / $136,066.00 |
024 |
M37 |
MFDZ07 |
Health Statistics Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFDZ09 |
Manager Statistics and Research |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MFDZ11 |
Director, Statistical Analysis Center |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MFDZ12 |
Transportation Systems Specialist |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MFEA01 |
Planner I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MFEA02 |
Planner II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MFEA03 |
Planner III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFEA04 |
Planner IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFEA05 |
Planner V |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MFEA06 |
Planning Supervisor |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MFEA07 |
Principal Planner |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MFEA08 |
Manager of Planning |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MFEA09 |
Chief of Planning |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MFEB01 |
Criminal Justice Planner |
$43,039.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
M37 |
MFEB02 |
Criminal Justice Senior Planner |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFEB03 |
Criminal Justice Planning Coordinator |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MFEZ01 |
Health Planning and Resource Management Director |
$80,112.00 / $100,140.00 / $120,168.00 |
022 |
M37 |
MFFZ01 |
Surveyor |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFGA01 |
Construction Project Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MFGA02 |
Construction Project Administrator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MFGZ01 |
Correctional Construction Manager/Facility Inspector |
$78,710.00 / $104,947.00 / $131,184.00 |
C16 |
S40 |
MFGZ02 |
Chief of Maintenance Operations |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGAA01 |
Agricultural Commodity Inspector I |
$33,649.00 / $42,061.00 / $50,473.00 |
007 |
M40 |
MGAA02 |
Agricultural Commodity Inspector II |
$40,543.00 / $50,679.00 / $60,815.00 |
010 |
M40 |
MGAA04 |
Food Products Inspection Field Supervisor |
$48,850.00 / $61,062.00 / $73,274.00 |
013 |
M40 |
MGAB01 |
Meat Inspector I |
$35,806.00 / $44,757.00 / $53,708.00 |
008 |
M40 |
MGAB02 |
Meat Inspector II |
$43,142.00 / $53,927.00 / $64,712.00 |
011 |
M40 |
MGAB03 |
Meat Compliance Investigation Officer |
$45,907.00 / $57,384.00 / $68,861.00 |
012 |
M40 |
MGAB04 |
Meat Inspection Field Supervisor |
$48,850.00 / $61,062.00 / $73,274.00 |
013 |
M40 |
MGAE01 |
Assistant Plant Industries Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGAF01 |
Noxious Weed Specialist |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MGAG01 |
Weights and Measures Inspector I |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MGAG02 |
Weights and Measures Inspector II |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MGAG03 |
Weights and Measures Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGAG04 |
Weights and Measures Administrator |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGAH04 |
Zoo Keeper I |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MGAH05 |
Zoo Keeper II |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MGAH06 |
Assistant Zoo Manager |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGAH07 |
Zoo Manager |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGAH08 |
Zoo Director |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MGAI01 |
Agricultural Inspector |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MGAI02 |
Agricultural Inspector Supervisor |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGAZ03 |
Seed Laboratory Supervisor |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MGAZ05 |
Food Products Inspection Administrator |
$66,646.00 / $83,307.00 / $99,968.00 |
018 |
M40 |
MGAZ06 |
Animal Health Program Manager |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MGBA01 |
Analytical Chemist I |
$48,182.00 / $64,243.00 / $80,304.00 |
F10 |
MGBA02 |
Analytical Chemist II |
$57,897.00 / $77,196.00 / $96,495.00 |
F13 |
MGBA03 |
Analytical Chemist III |
$65,456.00 / $87,275.00 / $109,094.00 |
F15 |
MGBA04 |
Analytical Chemist IV |
$74,141.00 / $98,854.00 / $123,568.00 |
F17 |
MGBB01 |
Laboratory Manager I |
$69,597.00 / $92,796.00 / $115,995.00 |
F16 |
MGBB02 |
Laboratory Manager II |
$78,707.00 / $104,943.00 / $131,179.00 |
F18 |
MGBB03 |
Laboratory Manager III |
$94,577.00 / $126,103.00 / $157,629.00 |
F21 |
MGBC01 |
Laboratory Technician I |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MGBC02 |
Laboratory Technician II |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MGBC03 |
Laboratory Technician III |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MGBE01 |
Environmental Scientist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MGBE02 |
Environmental Scientist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGBE03 |
Environmental Scientist III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGBE04 |
Environmental Scientist IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGBE06 |
Environmental Scientist V |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MGBF01 |
Hydrologist I |
$47,811.00 / $63,748.00 / $79,685.00 |
H11 |
MGBF02 |
Hydrologist II |
$54,489.00 / $72,652.00 / $90,815.00 |
H13 |
MGBF03 |
Hydrologist III |
$61,592.00 / $82,122.00 / $102,653.00 |
H15 |
MGBF04 |
Hydrologist IV |
$69,638.00 / $92,850.00 / $116,063.00 |
H17 |
MGBF05 |
Hydrologist V |
$83,735.00 / $111,647.00 / $139,559.00 |
H20 |
MGBF06 |
Hydrologist VI |
$89,099.00 / $118,799.00 / $148,499.00 |
H21 |
MGBG01 |
Microbiologist I |
$48,182.00 / $64,243.00 / $80,304.00 |
F10 |
MGBG02 |
Microbiologist II |
$57,897.00 / $77,196.00 / $96,495.00 |
F13 |
MGBG03 |
Microbiologist III |
$65,456.00 / $87,275.00 / $109,094.00 |
F15 |
MGBH01 |
Laboratory Certification and Compliance Specialist |
$57,897.00 / $77,196.00 / $96,495.00 |
F13 |
MGBH02 |
Quality Assurance Laboratory Manager |
$69,597.00 / $92,796.00 / $115,995.00 |
F16 |
MGBI01 |
State Emergency On-Scene Coordinator |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MGBI02 |
State Emergency Senior On-Scene Coordinator |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MGBI03 |
State Emergency Prevention and Response Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MGBZ01 |
Agricultural Compliance Officer |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGBZ07 |
Laboratory Biosafety and Mitigation Officer |
$74,141.00 / $98,854.00 / $123,568.00 |
F17 |
MGCA01 |
Conservation Technician I |
$29,250.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
M37 |
MGCA02 |
Conservation Technician II |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MGCA03 |
Conservation Technician III |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MGCA04 |
Conservation Technician IV |
$35,721.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
M37 |
MGCA05 |
Conservation Technician V |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MGCA06 |
Conservation Technician Manager |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGCB01 |
Environmental Compliance Specialist |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MGCB02 |
Senior Environmental Compliance Specialist |
$38,010.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
M37 |
MGCC01 |
Environmental Control Technician I |
$29,250.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
M37 |
MGCC02 |
Environmental Control Technician II |
$31,546.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
M37 |
MGCC03 |
Environmental Control Technician III |
$33,569.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
M37 |
MGCC04 |
Environmental Control Supervisor |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MGCD01 |
Environmental Program Manager I |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MGCD02 |
Environmental Program Manager II |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MGCD03 |
Environmental Program Administrator |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MGCE01 |
Roadside Environmental Specialist |
$34,984.00 / $43,605.00 / $52,226.00 |
011 |
G01 |
MGCE02 |
Roadside Environmental Supervisor |
$48,734.00 / $60,917.00 / $73,100.00 |
014 |
M37 |
MGCE03 |
Roadside Environmental Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGCF01 |
Forester |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGCF02 |
Senior Forester |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGCF03 |
Regional Forester |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGCF04 |
Assistant Forestry Administrator |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGCF05 |
Forestry Administrator |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MGCG03 |
Park Superintendent |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGCG11 |
Park Superintendent I |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGCG12 |
Park Superintendent II |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGCG13 |
Park Superintendent III |
$55,182.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
M37 |
MGCG14 |
Park Superintendent IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGCG15 |
Park Superintendent V |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MGCG16 |
Park Superintendent VI |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MGCG17 |
Park Superintendent VIII |
$75,286.00 / $94,107.00 / $112,928.00 |
021 |
M37 |
MGCG18 |
Park Superintendent VII |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MGCH01 |
Environmental Specialist I |
$40,446.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
M37 |
MGCH02 |
Environmental Specialist II |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGCH03 |
Environmental Specialist III |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
MGCH04 |
Environmental Specialist IV |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGCH05 |
Environmental Specialist V |
$66,489.00 / $83,111.00 / $99,733.00 |
019 |
M37 |
MGCH06 |
Environmental Specialist Supervisor |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MGCH07 |
Environmental Specialist Manager |
$70,750.00 / $88,438.00 / $106,126.00 |
020 |
M37 |
MGCZ01 |
Agricultural Specialist |
$45,798.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
M37 |
MGCZ02 |
Fish and Wildlife Regional Manager |
$58,719.00 / $73,399.00 / $88,079.00 |
017 |
M37 |
MGCZ03 |
Parks Program Manager |
$62,483.00 / $78,104.00 / $93,725.00 |
018 |
M37 |
MGCZ04 |
Ocean Lifeguard Captain |
$51,858.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
M37 |
UAAC01 |
Correctional Records Technician |
$37,437.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G382 |
UAAC02 |
Correctional Records Specialist |
$49,743.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
G382 |
UAAC03 |
Correctional Records Supervisor |
$59,390.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
G382 |
UAAZ13 |
Production Control Clerk |
$32,611.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
G250 |
UABZ13 |
Unemployment Insurance Revenue Quality Control Auditor |
$42,974.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G600 |
UABZ18 |
Unemployment Insurance Field Agent |
$42,974.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G600 |
UABZ26 |
Unemployment Insurance Rating Analyst II |
$42,974.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G600 |
UACF05 |
Correctional Training Instructor |
$89,655.00 / $98,625.00 / $123,281.00 |
015 |
G385 |
UADA14 |
Senior Application Support Specialist |
$58,528.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
G600 |
UAFZ07 |
Mediation Arbitration Officer |
$37,064.25 / $49,567.00 / $59,480.00 |
011 |
G36 |
UBAB04 |
Forensic Investigator III |
$58,340.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
G453 |
UBAZ05 |
Unemployment Insurance Quality Control Auditor |
$42,974.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G600 |
UBBA01 |
Alcohol & Tobacco Police Officer I |
$56,830.00 / $59,996.00 / $74,995.00 |
007 |
G450 |
UBBA02 |
Alcohol & Tobacco Police Officer II |
$66,490.00 / $67,934.00 / $84,918.00 |
009 |
G450 |
UBBA03 |
Alcohol & Tobacco Police Officer III |
$76,922.00 / $76,922.00 / $96,153.00 |
11A |
G450 |
UBBA05 |
Alcohol and Tobacco Police Sergeant |
$81,853.00 / $81,853.00 / $102,316.00 |
012 |
G450 |
UBBB02 |
Capitol Police Officer I |
$62,640.00 / $67,934.00 / $84,918.00 |
009 |
G451 |
UBBB03 |
Capitol Police Officer II |
$70,154.00 / $72,288.00 / $90,360.00 |
010 |
G451 |
UBBB04 |
Capitol Police Officer III |
$76,922.00 / $76,922.00 / $96,153.00 |
11A |
G451 |
UBBB05 |
Capitol Police Sergeant |
$81,853.00 / $81,853.00 / $102,316.00 |
12A |
G451 |
UBBD02 |
Natural Resources Police Officer I |
$62,640.00 / $67,934.00 / $84,918.00 |
09A |
G400 |
UBBD03 |
Natural Resources Police Officer II |
$70,154.00 / $72,288.00 / $90,360.00 |
10A |
G400 |
UBBD04 |
Natural Resources Police Officer III |
$76,922.00 / $76,922.00 / $96,153.00 |
11A |
G400 |
UBBD05 |
Natural Resources Police Sergeant |
$81,853.00 / $81,853.00 / $102,316.00 |
12A |
G400 |
UBBD06 |
Natural Resources Police Lieutenant |
$87,100.00 / $87,100.00 / $108,875.00 |
13A |
G400 |
UBCD01 |
Motor Vehicle Associate I |
$35,490.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G557 |
UBDB02 |
Correctional Corporal |
$61,776.00 / $63,842.00 / $79,803.00 |
008 |
G386 |
UBDB03 |
Correctional Sergeant |
$65,880.00 / $67,934.00 / $84,918.00 |
009 |
G386 |
UBDB04 |
Correctional Lieutenant |
$73,926.00 / $76,922.00 / $96,153.00 |
011 |
G385 |
UBDB05 |
Correctional Staff Lieutenant |
$81,504.00 / $87,100.00 / $108,875.00 |
013 |
G385 |
UBDB06 |
Correctional Captain |
$89,655.00 / $98,625.00 / $123,281.00 |
015 |
G385 |
UBDC01 |
Inmate Classification Officer I |
$52,746.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
G382 |
UBDC02 |
Inmate Classification Officer II |
$59,390.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
G382 |
UBDI01 |
Forensic Security Officer I |
$37,924.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G355 |
UBDI02 |
Forensic Security Officer II |
$39,820.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
G355 |
UBEA01 |
Probation and Parole Officer I |
$66,960.00 / $72,288.00 / $90,360.00 |
010 |
G381 |
UBEA02 |
Probation and Parole Officer II |
$70,978.00 / $76,922.00 / $96,153.00 |
011 |
G381 |
UBEB01 |
Senior Probation and Parole Officer |
$44,025.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
G372 |
UCAA03 |
Correctional Officer/Laundry Manager |
$73,926.00 / $76,922.00 / $96,153.00 |
011 |
G385 |
UCBB01 |
Correctional Officer/Youth Rehab Food Service Specialist I |
$41,138.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
G373 |
UCBB02 |
Correctional Officer/Youth Rehab Food Service Specialist II |
$43,775.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
G373 |
UCCC01 |
Equipment Operator I |
$32,222.00 / $38,408.00 / $48,010.00 |
004 |
G550 |
UCCC02 |
Equipment Operator II |
$36,651.00 / $43,334.00 / $54,168.00 |
006 |
G550 |
UCCC03 |
Equipment Operator III |
$41,688.00 / $48,916.00 / $61,145.00 |
008 |
G550 |
UCCC04 |
Equipment Operator IV |
$44,461.00 / $51,973.00 / $64,966.00 |
009 |
G550 |
UCCK22 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Mechanic I |
$31,631.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
UCCK62 |
Physical Plant Maintenance/Trades Mechanic I |
$36,118.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
G356 |
UCCZ01 |
Assistant Rangemaster |
$32,727.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
G356 |
UCCZ11 |
Cosmetologist |
$31,631.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
UCCZ24 |
Seamstress |
$29,705.00 / $32,727.00 / $39,272.00 |
004 |
UCCZ40 |
Ferry Boat Captain |
$47,417.00 / $55,229.00 / $69,036.00 |
010 |
G550 |
UDAZ04 |
Fire Inspector |
$33,845.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G751 |
UDBZ11 |
Medicaid Third Party Liability Analyst |
$41,461.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
UDCB01 |
Activity Aide I |
$36,118.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
G356 |
UDCC01 |
Activity Therapist I |
$38,749.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
UDCD01 |
Nursing Assistant |
$29,705.00 / $34,825.00 / $41,790.00 |
005 |
UDCD02 |
Certified Nursing Assistant |
$34,000.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
07B |
UDCF01 |
Recreation Program Leader |
$46,581.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
G373 |
UDCG02 |
Recreation Program Specialist |
$65,233.00 / $65,233.00 / $81,541.00 |
013 |
G384 |
UDCZ10 |
Therapy Aide |
$36,118.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
G356 |
UDDO33 |
Social Service Specialist III |
$44,019.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
G388 |
UDDP01 |
Correctional Counselor |
$44,319.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
G382 |
UDDP02 |
Senior Correctional Counselor |
$46,936.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G382 |
UDDP03 |
Master Correctional Counselor |
$52,746.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
G382 |
UDDP04 |
Correctional Counselor Supervisor |
$59,390.00 / $64,822.00 / $77,786.00 |
015 |
G383 |
UDDQ12 |
Senior Family Service Specialist |
$44,544.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G376 |
UDDV01 |
Youth Care Specialist I |
$35,754.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G377 |
UDDV02 |
Youth Care Specialist II |
$40,760.00 / $44,651.00 / $53,581.00 |
009 |
G377 |
UDDV03 |
Youth Care Specialist III |
$41,659.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
G377 |
UDDW01 |
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Coordinator |
$43,890.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G751 |
UDDW02 |
Senior Juvenile Fire Setter Intervention Coordinator |
$50,791.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
G751 |
UDDZ50 |
Sheltered Workshop Production Assistant |
$39,820.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
G356 |
UDDZ51 |
Sheltered Workshop Production Foreman |
$44,363.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
UDDZ60 |
State Farm Program Coordinator |
$48,660.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
G600 |
UDDZ63 |
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Technician |
$33,370.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G600 |
UDDZ66 |
Unemployment Insurance Claims Processor |
$32,000.00 / $37,058.00 / $44,470.00 |
006 |
G600 |
UDDZ67 |
Unemployment Insurance Claims Interviewer |
$33,370.00 / $39,433.00 / $47,320.00 |
007 |
G600 |
UDDZ68 |
Unemployment Insurance Claims Deputy |
$35,667.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
G600 |
UDDZ69 |
Unemployment Insurance Senior Claims Deputy |
$42,974.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
G600 |
UDDZ77 |
Work Program Assistant |
$39,820.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
G356 |
UDEZ01 |
Assistant Medical Examiner |
$232,578.00 / $246,078.00 / $307,597.00 |
023 |
G454 |
UDFA01 |
Nutritionist I |
$41,461.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
UDFA02 |
Nutritionist II |
$47,468.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
UDGA01 |
Licensed Practical Nurse I |
$41,375.00 / $45,598.00 / $56,998.00 |
008 |
UDGA02 |
Licensed Practical Nurse II |
$43,444.00 / $48,441.00 / $60,551.00 |
009 |
UDGA03 |
Licensed Practical Nurse III |
$45,616.00 / $51,464.00 / $64,330.00 |
010 |
UDGB05 |
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse |
$88,738.00 / $88,738.00 / $110,923.00 |
017 |
UDGZ01 |
Nurse Consultant |
$88,738.00 / $88,738.00 / $110,923.00 |
017 |
UDGZ02 |
Compliance Nurse |
$71,284.00 / $78,497.00 / $98,121.00 |
15A |
UDKA02 |
Therapist I |
$44,363.00 / $50,558.00 / $60,670.00 |
011 |
UDKA03 |
Therapist II |
$50,791.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
UDKA04 |
Therapist III |
$62,222.00 / $68,978.00 / $82,774.00 |
016 |
UFDA01 |
Labor Market Analyst |
$40,386.00 / $47,513.00 / $57,016.00 |
010 |
G600 |
UFDA02 |
Labor Market Senior Analyst |
$48,660.00 / $57,248.00 / $68,698.00 |
013 |
G600 |
UFDZ10 |
Unemployment Insurance Quality Control Data Analyst |
$45,730.00 / $53,799.00 / $64,559.00 |
012 |
G600 |
UGBD02 |
Senior Forensic DNA Analyst |
$77,008.00 / $87,275.00 / $109,094.00 |
015 |
G452 |
UGBZ03 |
Forensic Morgue Assistant |
$37,765.00 / $41,961.00 / $50,353.00 |
008 |
G453 |