
Library Associate (#MEBC01)
$40,446.00 Yearly Min / $50,558.00 Yearly Mid / $60,670.00 Yearly Max

Senior Librarian (#MEBC02)
$45,798.00 Yearly Min / $57,248.00 Yearly Mid / $68,698.00 Yearly Max

Administrative Librarian (#MEBC03)
$51,858.00 Yearly Min / $64,822.00 Yearly Mid / $77,786.00 Yearly Max

Description of Occupational Work

This class series uses two levels of work in the Information Services Group, Library Information Services series, and describes professional library work in developing, evaluating, managing, promoting and administering evolving information services in a variety of formats in order to meet the information needs of Delaware libraries and/or citizens. Librarians prepare information, develop interfaces, and may publish information, so that it is useable and organized for public use. Librarian work includes the development and provision of training programs. Integral to what librarians do is equipping the patron/customer with the tools they need to access the information they are seeking. Librarian work also includes networking activities such as developing partnerships between national and state professional organizations; state, public, academic, and school libraries; and local communities, government agencies, businesses, cultural institutions, and other organizations to deliver information to citizens, remotely and in-person. Librarian work also includes planning and organizing library workshops and conferences, responding to customer requests for information, recommending sources of information to patrons and preparing/administering budgets. Professional librarians demonstrate leadership in the incorporation of national and international professional library standards and electronic resources into evolving information services, tracking trends and changing technology, maintaining and managing computerized records and databases, and performing customer outreach. Librarians conduct needs assessments in order to engage in strategic planning so as to tailor services to meet the needs of their community.

Note: The career ladder incorporates the Library Associate and Sr. Librarian levels. The Library Associate level is to provide entry for hiring new employees into the class series but does not preclude hiring new employees at higher levels. To implement the career ladder, current employees are assigned to the level for which they meet minimum qualifications and promotional standards. Employees may be promoted through the career ladder in accordance with promotional standards for those levels assigned to an agency. The promotional standards, a selection document under separate cover, set forth the criteria that defines and describes the complexity of work required at the various levels.

Essential Functions

Essential functions are fundamental, core functions common to all positions in the class series and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all job duties for any one position in the class. Since class specifications are descriptive and not restrictive, incumbents can complete job duties of similar kind not specifically listed here.

  • Applies standard library practices, such as acquisitions, cataloging, processing, and circulating of digital, and print library information resources in a computerized and global network environment.
  • Researches, analyzes, assess and disseminate information on a wide variety of topics to meet the needs of library customers.
  • May train/assist the public in the use of operating networked computers and computer printers, playback equipment, copiers, microform and reader/printers.
  • Supervise subordinates or volunteers in the performance of clerical library functions.
  • Participates in activities of library organizations and attends continuing professional development programs and courses of study.
  • Keeps abreast of current trends in information technologies to integrate, initiate and develop new programs.
  • May provide technical, electronic library and informational services to state agencies, legislative and public clients, and Delaware libraries and citizens.
  • Develops, recommends, and/or implements library policies and procedures.
  • May develop and implement programs to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, the policies of the Division of Libraries, and meet operational needs of library service functions.
  • May serve as a professional library consultant, or team leader.

Levels of Work

Library Associate

This class describes the entry level of professional library work.  Work is typically performed under the direction of a technical superior.  Work is reviewed in progress and when technical guidance is needed.

  • Manages, monitors and evaluates assigned program and services.
  • May serve as reference librarian performing research and disseminating information on a wide variety of topics.
  • Creates and manages a variety of types of bibliographic records.

Senior Librarian

This class is at the full professional level. Work is typically performed independently and is reviewed after completion. 

  • Provides statewide and regional workshops for librarians, trustees and others.
  • Plans, manages, and evaluates assigned library information products and programs.
  • Performs literature searches for professional personnel including on-line searches through various library systems.
  • Develops surveys, prepares reports related to program operation, client utilization and program effectiveness.
  • May assign, review, and evaluate the work of support personnel.
  • Serves as consultant to library staff, library advisory groups, other professional groups, public and private community groups, including applying and directing grants within assigned programs and/or initiatives.

Administrative Librarian

This class describes professional library administration work.

  • Manages grant programs, develops grant applications and prepares annual and long- range plans and reports.
  • Serves as professional consultant to the library community in the administration of libraries.
  • Oversees contractual services, preparing specifications, requests for proposals and contracts; monitors performance of contractors; helps to establish, interpret and administer standards of library services at State and Public libraries throughout the State.
  • Participates in budget preparation for expenditure of State and Federal funds for library services and oversees expenditures for assigned service areas.
  • Oversees programs established to improve resource sharing among libraries of all types throughout the State.
  • Acts as a liaison to regional and national cooperative efforts in providing professional library standards.
  • Implement library product/services marketing plans, which includes presentational events, promotional products and literature, and advertising.
  • Develops, administers and implements training curriculum for the library community.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The intent of the listed knowledge, skills and abilities is to give a general indication of the core requirements for all positions in the class series; therefore, the KSAs listed are not exhaustive or necessarily inclusive of the requirements of every position in the class.

  • Knowledge of professional library principles, methods, aims and services.
  • Knowledge of ordering, acquiring, cataloguing, referencing and other functions of librarianship.
  • Knowledge of the goals and activities of assigned program area.
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of supervision.
  • Knowledge of current trends in information technologies.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of individuals.
  • Ability to conduct difficult research on a wide range of topics.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Senior Librarian requires:

  • Knowledge of the organization, operation, and evaluation of comprehensive library and information services.
  • Knowledge of library program and/or facility planning and development.
  • Knowledge of the in-house collection and of outside information resources.
  • Skill in performing professional library activities.
  • Skill in using available resources to research materials and issues.
  • Skill in organizing and presenting information factually.
  • Ability to organize and coordinate broad-based library services.
  • Ability to evaluate needs and to provide cost effective service delivery.
  • Ability to operate audiovisual, talking book machines and/or computer equipment.
  • Ability to make effective written and oral presentations.

In addition to the above knowledge, skills and abilities, the Administrative Librarian requires:

  • Knowledge of professional library principles and practices, organization and services.
  • Knowledge of principles and practices of effective planning and program implementation.
  • Knowledge of administrative and supervisory practices and procedures.
  • Knowledge of grant administration, budget preparation and contract management.
  • Ability to plan, layout, direct and coordinate operation of varied library and information services.
  • Ability to evaluate program operations and identify areas for improvement and modification.
  • Ability to identify staff training requirements.

Job Requirements

JOB REQUIREMENTS for Library Associate
Applicants must have education, training and/or experience demonstrating competence in each of the following areas:

  1. Possession of a Bachelors degree or higher in Library and Information Science, English, Education, Computer Science or related field.
  2. Knowledge of organizing and coordinating library services and programs.
  3. Knowledge of customer service such as providing prompt, accurate, and courteous service to customers seeking information, answering requests as quickly as possible, ensuring customers are satisfied with service, and responding to complaints.
  4. Knowledge of narrative report writing. 


