
Educational Consultant (#Z16A)
$21.79-$39.95 hourly / $3,776.73-$6,924.01 monthly / $45,320.80-$83,088.13 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities related to developing, directing and coordinating the academic, vocational and special education programs at an institution, treatment center or residential facility.  This includes consulting with local Boards of Education and institution personnel on issues of curriculum, scope and emphasis of the education program.


  • Prepares contracts with local Boards of Education governing the operation and administration of the institution, treatment center or residential facility school.
  • Interviews and recommends teachers for placement in the school program.
  • Assists and advises school personnel in counseling with and controlling difficult students.
  • Recommends and implements policy affecting the educational programs of the school.
  • Conducts informational workshops with civic groups on educational programs.
  • Coordinates education programs in the school with local school district programs.
  • Maintains awareness of funding sources to ensure the program secure all available funding.
  • Conducts correspondence concerning the education program, and maintains necessary records.


Knowledge of Oklahoma statutes governing operation and administration of schools and school financing; of current principles and techniques of school organization and administration; of funding sources for institutional education programs; and of academic and vocational subjects, and their place and value in a special education program.  Ability is required to develop, plan and coordinate educational programs; to match curricula to the students’ individual needs; and to resolve issues with local school districts.


This job family consists of only one level and employees are responsible for performing all functions involving the development, directing and coordinating of educational programs in a state institution, treatment center or residential facility.  In this role they will advise and consult with Boards of Education and School Superintendents concerning the curriculum, scope and emphasis of the program, review the operation of the school, assist in preparing legislation affecting the education programs, attend legislative committee meetings on education, and advise the Director of the school of pending legislation which may affect educational programs.


Education and Experience requirements consist of a master’s degree ineducation, counseling, vocational rehabilitation or a closely related field and five years of professional experience working with individuals with disabilities, including three years of experience in an administrative or managerial capacity.

CLASS: Z16A; EST: 9/7/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;

Email: jobs@omes.ok.gov | Phone: (405) 521-2177 | 8am - 5pm M-F | TTY: 1-800-955-8771 | Powered by JobAps