
Enforcement Analyst (#X48A)
$19.63-$35.99 hourly / $3,402.40-$6,237.73 monthly / $40,828.79-$74,852.78 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities to evaluate and analyze technical licensure, certification surveys, and complaint investigations to determine enforcement actions for a variety of health facilities/agencies on a state-wide basis; providing consultative and technical assistance to health facilities/agencies and laboratories regarding enforcement, certification and licensure standards for patient services and facility operations; and ensuring compliance with federal and state laws and rules on enforcement, certification and licensure as they apply to  regulated entities and the state agency.


  • Analyzes and evaluates surveys to identify resident/patient/client abuse and neglect and other deficiencies of health facilities/agencies and determine appropriate enforcement actions;
  • Processes immediate jeopardy and actual harm determinations; recommends penalties and certification actions.
  • Recommends action as to certification or licensure renewal, non-renewal, or termination/revocation; relocates residents/patients/clients in the event of an administrative order; testifies to inspection findings at hearing or in court proceedings.
  • Analyzes and evaluates certification or licensure surveys to determine compliance or non-compliance for initial or continued participation in state and federal programs; coordinates with state and federal agencies to convey compliance or non-compliance for initial or continued participation in state and federal programs.  Tracks enforcement action and recommends appropriate remedies.
  • Analyzes and evaluates the certification actions of state and federal programs to determine completeness to ensure all state and federal documents are included and all requirements are met.
  • Maintains liaison between both state and federal programs and providers when dealing with certification actions.
  • Consults and advises providers regarding the certification process to help facilitate reimbursement for providers and provide guidance regarding compliance or non-compliance with state and federal laws and regulations as well as subsequent applicable remedies recommended and/or imposed.
  • Develops periodic staff reports, administrative audits, program activities and other information to evaluate program effectiveness and quality of service; develops controls to assure accountability for program operation, policy implementation and the maintenance of efficiency in various units.


Level I:
Knowledge of enforcement/certification of health facilities/agencies; of administrative and organizational principles and practices regarding health facilities/agencies; of federal and state laws, regulations, and policies regarding licensure and certification of health care facilities/agencies; of resident/patient/client relocation protocol. Ability is required to read and understand statutory and regulatory language; to determine timing and seriousness of applicable penalties; to establish and maintain effective working relationships; to analyze and evaluate survey findings against statutory and regulatory requirements; to make decisions consistent with laws, regulations, and policies; and to organize and communicate enforcement recommendations, both orally and in writing, in a logical, clear, concise, and complete manner.


Level I:
This Job Family consists of only one level and incumbent employees are responsible for performing all of the essential functions related to the position.


Level I:
Education and Experience requirements consist of a bachelor’s degree PLUS eight years of professional experience in  health care, developmental disability services, public health, environmental health, fire safety, or  residential or health facility licensure, certification, accreditation, inspection, or administration; or an equivalent combination of education and experience, substituting one year of professional experience in one of the above fields for each thirty semester hours of the required education.

CLASS: X48A; EST: 8/29/2014; REV: 4/21/2016;

Email: jobs@omes.ok.gov | Phone: (405) 521-2177 | 8am - 5pm M-F | TTY: 1-800-955-8771 | Powered by JobAps