
Records Management Specialist I (#X15A)
$14.71-$26.97 hourly / $2,549.43-$4,673.96 monthly / $30,593.20-$56,087.54 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant

Records Management Specialist II (#X15B)
$17.68-$32.42 hourly / $3,065.31-$5,619.73 monthly / $36,783.71-$67,436.80 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities for planning, organizing and conducting reviews of records management and reporting systems for a multicounty area to insure compliance with established agency policies and procedures and state and federal laws and regulations.


The functions within this job family will vary by level, but may include the following:

  • Performs audits and surveys to ensure compliance with established agency policy, procedures and state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Investigates reports to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Conducts reviews of records and procedures to ensure the security and confidentiality of patient information.
  • Composes and submits correspondence advising of review findings.
  • Identifies corrective action needed to bring procedures into compliance and initiates follow-up visits to verify action has been taken.
  • Performs records review to certify offices to provide early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment services.
  • Advises staff on basic computer and software usage, completion of statistical reporting systems and legal responsibilities of record management.



Level I:    
Knowledge of the basic methods and techniques of medical and administrative records management; of federal and state laws and regulations relating to multiple programs administered statewide; of principles, methods and practices of the various health services performed; of the organization, development and administration of services; and of report writing techniques.  Ability is required to evaluate and monitor the activities of multiple work units for medical, financial and statistical records management; to communicate technical material and agency procedures in a clear and concise manner, both orally and in writing; to interpret and analyze record data; and to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others.

Level II:  
Knowledge of methods and techniques of records management; of federal and state laws and regulations relating to multiple programs administered statewide; of principles, methods and practices of the various health services performed; of the organization, development and administration of services; of report writing techniques; and of training techniques and methodology.  Ability is required to evaluate, train and monitor the activities of multiple work units for medical, financial and statistical records management; to communicate technical material and agency procedures in a clear and concise manner, both orally and in writing; to interpret, analyze and resolve complex administrative and technical records problems; and to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others.



The Records Management Specialist job family consists of two levels which are distinguished by the level of complexity of specific job assignments, the extent of responsibility assigned for a specific task, and the level of expertise required for completion of assigned tasks.

Level I:    
This is the basic level where incumbents perform entry-level professional work and are independently responsible for performing technical audits and for insuring compliance of records systems with general agency policies and operating procedures, but will receive closer supervision in completing job assignments while in a training status.

Level II:   
This is the career level position where incumbents perform professional work and are independently responsible for performing technical audits and for insuring compliance of records systems with general agency policies and operating procedures.  Some responsibilities may be assigned for providing training, assistance or supervision to others.



Level I:   
Education and Experience requirements at this level consist of a bachelor’s degree and one year of experience in medical and administrative records management in a health care facility or agency; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

NOTE:  Experience as a ward clerk or any other position assigned “charting” duties will not be considered as qualifying.

Level II:   
Education and Experience requirements at this level consist of a bachelor’s degree and three years experience in medical and administrative records management in a health care facility or agency, including one year of experience auditing records; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

NOTE:  Experience as a ward clerk or any other position assigned “charting” duties will not be considered as qualifying.  No substitutions will be allowed for the one year experience auditing records.


Applicants must be willing and able to fulfill all job-related travel normally associated with this position.

CLASS: X15A; EST: 9/11/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;
CLASS: X15B; EST: 9/11/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;

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