
Environmental Technician I (#R23A)
$10.98-$20.13 hourly / $1,903.64-$3,490.01 monthly / $22,843.71-$41,880.14 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant

Environmental Technician II (#R23B)
$12.08-$22.15 hourly / $2,093.99-$3,838.98 monthly / $25,127.84-$46,067.71 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are assigned responsibility for performing routine inspections and field investigations in a public health, environmental health, or natural resource programs.


  • Gathers, organizes and evaluates data concerning community environmental health programs, including health hazards, vector control, and zoonotic diseases.
  • Conducts routine inspections and investigations of public bathing places, motels, hotels, barbershops, and in connection with insect and rodent control.
  • Performs initial, routine chemical tests of samples.
  • Prepares reports of findings of investigations and/or chemical analysis.
  • Conducts routine tests and inspections of sewage disposal systems.
  • Conducts routine training for owners and managers of public bathing places on the proper operation and maintenance of these facilities.


Level I:

Knowledge of the principles and practices of environmental sanitation; of general natural resource principles; of basic chemical and biological testing; of community environmental problems; and of state and federal sanitation laws.  Ability is required to keep records; to write reports; to establish effective working relationships with others; to recognize sanitation violations; and to perform non-complex laboratory procedures.


Level II:                                

Those identified in Level I plus the ability to work independently.  Additionally, employees at this level must be able to recognize and implement appropriate actions for remediation of violations.  Incumbents will demonstrate an increased level of knowledge of public health rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.  Ability is required to effectively communicate in verbal and written form and to provide training and instruction to others.



The Environmental Technician job family consists of two levels which are distinguished by the complexity of specific job assignments, the extent of responsibility assigned, and the expertise required for completing assigned projects.

Level I:     
This is the basic level of this job family where employees are assigned responsibilities for performing beginning level work for conducting environmental and natural resource field investigations and inspections.  In this role employees will conduct routine environmental health surveys and inspections and prepare reports of findings and perform follow-up investigations.  They will also assist the public with filling out appropriate forms and will provide technical and routine clerical assistance to Public Health Specialist, Environmental Programs Specialists, and/or Investigators.

Level II:     
This is the career level of this job family where employees are assigned responsibilities at the full performance level and perform tasks including surveys, inspections, and field investigations related to public health, environmental health, and natural resources under the general direction of a Public Health Specialist or Environmental Programs Specialist.  At this level the employees are able to initiate remedial actions to correct violations.


Level I:
Education and Experience requirements are none.

Level II:     
Education and Experience requirements at this level consist of one year of experience in performing routine inspections and field investigations in a public health, environmental health, or natural resource program.

CLASS: R23A; EST: 8/20/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;
CLASS: R23B; EST: 8/20/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;

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