
Regional After-Care Supervisor (#H33A)
$17.68-$32.42 hourly / $3,065.31-$5,619.73 monthly / $36,783.71-$67,436.80 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities involving the development, implementation and supervision of an aftercare program in an assigned region of the state.


  • Develops policies and goals necessary to establish and implement an ongoing aftercare program for return of hospitalized patients to the community.
  • Secures professional staff for the program; develops in-service training programs in aftercare.
  • Supervises social work and nursing staff in casework, group work, resocialization, onsultation and community education activities; assigns caseload.
  • Provides consultation to community agencies on aftercare and community mental health; plans and directs research as indicated.
  • Maintains necessary records, reports, schedules and other administrative aids to efficient operation.


Knowledge of psychiatric social work; of social work administration, education, supervision and research; of the therapy and financial support underlying aftercare; of family economics and budgeting; and of community organizations and resources for mental health programs.  Ability is required to facilitate clients' return to the community; to counsel individuals; and to develop and provide training programs.


This job family consists of only one level and incumbent employees are assigned responsibility for performing all essential functions related to the position to which assigned.



EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE requirements consist of a master's degree in social work and five years of experience in professional psychiatric social work, including oneĀ  year in a supervisory or administrative capacity.

CLASS: H33A; EST: 8/22/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;

Email: jobs@omes.ok.gov | Phone: (405) 521-2177 | 8am - 5pm M-F | TTY: 1-800-955-8771 | Powered by JobAps