
Administrative Librarian I (#E22A)
$19.63-$35.99 hourly / $3,402.40-$6,237.73 monthly / $40,828.79-$74,852.78 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant

Administrative Librarian II (#E22B)
$21.79-$39.95 hourly / $3,776.73-$6,924.01 monthly / $45,320.80-$83,088.13 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are responsible for managing a major multi-functional program or unit at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries or the entire library services of a state agency.


The functions within this job family will vary by level, but may include the following:

  • Develops and implements policies, rules, and regulations; recommends and implements procedural changes to improve the quality of services.
  • Plans, organizes, and directs library programs and services.
  • Plans, supervises, and coordinates staff activities, including assessment of staff needs and assignment of work.
  • Provides in-service training to staff in technical and specialized library functions.
  • Participates in the preparation of the budget, automation needs, and other administrative functions and reports.
  • Serves as a consultant to libraries statewide or to state agencies.
  • Plans and coordinates the activities of the Oklahoma Library Technology Network.
  • Manages all aspects of grant management.
  • Represents the agency at public programs, on official business and at professional conferences and seminars.


Level I:   
Knowledge of federal and state laws and regulations governing the administration of libraries; of principles, procedures and technologies of information science and library administration; of sources and methods used in information retrieval and bibliographic research, including electronic resources; of library automation and microcomputer applications; of library purposes, development and organization; and of personnel management principles and practices.  Ability is required to plan, direct and evaluate unit activities engaged in a broad range of functions; to identify organizational problems and develop effective solutions; to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others; to interpret, analyze and resolve highly complex problems; and to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

Level II:   
Those identified in Level I plus the ability to plan, direct, evaluate and coordinate the activities of multiple work units.



The Administrative Librarian job family consists of two levels of work which are distinguished by the number of units or programs supervised and the level of technological responsibilities.

Level I:   
At this level incumbents are responsible for a single multi-functional program or unit.

Level II:   
At this level incumbents are responsible for two or more multi-functional programs or units, or the Oklahoma Library Technology Network Project.



Level I:    
Education and Experience requirements at this level consist of a master's degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA accredited school and seven years of experience as a professional librarian, including two years in a supervisory capacity.

Level II:   
Education and Experience requirements at this level consist of a master's degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA accredited school; eight years of experience as a professional librarian, including three years in a supervisory capacity.  For Directory of Library Technology in the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, five years library automation experience, including two years in a supervisory capacity.

NOTE:  No substitution will be allowed for the required experience in a supervisory capacity.

CLASS: E22A; EST: 9/10/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;
CLASS: E22B; EST: 9/10/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;

Email: jobs@omes.ok.gov | Phone: (405) 521-2177 | 8am - 5pm M-F | TTY: 1-800-955-8771 | Powered by JobAps