
Information Systems Network Technician (#B23A)
$12.08-$22.15 hourly / $2,093.99-$3,838.98 monthly / $25,127.84-$46,067.71 annual
Apply as a Priority Reemployment Consideration (PRC) applicant


Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities for performing highly technical responsible work in providing computer services and office automation support related to implementing and maintaining personal computer systems, local area networks, client workstations, network components, and other automation equipment and devices.  In this role, incumbents are assigned technical responsibilities involving the implementation and maintenance of various types of computer systems and related equipment and software. Duties include providing assistance and training to users, identifying and resolving problems related to applications and software, coordinating and supporting automation systems for specific program areas, performing regular maintenance on computer equipment, printers and other devices, and serving as a liaison between users and the Information Technology Division as required.    


  • Diagnoses and troubleshoots problems with applications and software and client workstations, servers, network components, office automation equipment and devices, and related systems and devices; identifies causes and resolves technical problems; coordinates with Information Technology Division as needed.
  • Maintains client workstations, regularly executes disk scans to check for file, folder or disk errors; defragments hard drives for optimum performance; performs virus scans and cleans peripherals, such as monitors, keyboard, and mouse; coordinates network/mainframe security requests.
  • Participates in testing and implementing new applications and software; develops instructional guides or provides group or individual user training as needed; assists users in the operation and application of available equipment and network systems.
  • Serves as a specialist in the various electronic data processing systems utilized for various program areas; makes recommendations regarding training and equipment needed for office automation; maintains security of computer identifications and/or passwords; changes tapes as needed.
  • Produces reports as needed; and transports or delivers documents or equipment. 
  • Participates in workshops, seminars, conferences and other training on computer systems, networks and office automation devices; keeps abreast of current technology and improvements.
  • Assists in the development and placement of new forms and documents on the system.
  • Prepares letters, memorandums and reports.


Knowledge of computer systems, local area networks, office automation software, and related equipment and devices; of computer maintenance requirements and procedures; of data processing concepts and procedures; of data base structures and applications systems; and of modern office administration.  Ability is required to analyze and evaluate computer systems; to  install and maintain computer networks; to establish and maintain effective working relationships; to exercise good judgment in evaluating situations; to express ideas and facts clearly and effectively; and to follow oral and written instructions.


This Job Family consists of only one level and incumbent employees are responsible for performing all typical functions associated with the position to which assigned.


Education and Experience requirements consist of one year of experience working with Microsoft Office or a similar product; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.


Applicants must be willing and able to perform all job-related travel normally associated with this position. Some agencies may require that applicants successfully complete a training program required of employees assigned
to this job family.

CLASS: B23A; EST: 8/28/2007; REV: 7/2/2012 7:45:00 AM;

Email: jobs@omes.ok.gov | Phone: (405) 521-2177 | 8am - 5pm M-F | TTY: 1-800-955-8771 | Powered by JobAps