State of Maryland


- Hourly / - BiWeekly /
- Monthly / $45,800.00-$45,800.00 Yearly


DALY 0001




An Inspector Athletic Commission is a classification assigned to the Maryland State Athletic Commission.  The Maryland State Athletic Commission manages, supervises, and regulates the sports of boxing, kick boxing, mixed martial arts, and professional wrestling in the State. (Business Regulation Article, Title 4, Subtitle 2.)


The Maryland State Athletic Commission establishes high health and safety standards for the participants in these sports, licenses individuals involved in commission-sanctioned events as contestants, managers, matchmakers, referees, judges, promoters, seconds (corner men for combative sports; valets for wrestling), and wrestlers.

The Commission carries out its mission by reflecting and maintaining safety and fairness as its guiding principles.

The Commission is fully attentive to and supportive of the various needs of licensees engaged in their respective fields and professions.

The Commission’s strong commitment to regulatory excellence is reflected through the work and integrity of its experienced staff of officials, inspectors, and ringside Physicians.


Specific educational and experience requirements are set by the agency based on the essential job functions assigned to the position.


Class Descriptions are broad descriptions covering groups of positions used by various State departments and agencies.  Position descriptions maintained by the using department or agency specifically address the essential job functions of each position.

Class Descriptions provide information about the Nature of Work, Examples of Work, General Requirements and Acknowledgements.  The Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities; Minimum Education and Experience Requirements; Special Requirements; and recruitment and testing procedures are set by the using agency.

This is a Skilled Service classification in the State Personnel Management System.  All positions in this classification are Skilled Service positions.  Some positions in Skilled Service classifications may be designated Special Appointment in accordance with the State Personnel and Pensions Article, Section 6-405, Annotated Code of Maryland.

This classification is not assigned to a bargaining unit, as indicated by the designation of S (Supervisor), M (Manager), T (Agency Head), U (Board or Commission Member), W (Student), X (Used by Agency or Excluded by Executive Order), or Z (Confidential).  As provided by State Personnel and Pensions Article, Section 3-102, special appointment, temporary, contractual, supervisory, managerial and confidential employees are excluded from collective bargaining.  Additionally, certain executive branch agencies are exempt from collective bargaining and all positions in those agencies are excluded from collective bargaining.

Date Established

Mar 1 2012 12:00AM

Date Revised

October 28, 2022

Approved By

Director, Division of Classification and Salary

CLASS: 009312; EST: 3/1/2012; REV: 10/28/2022;

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