Provide full law enforcement/police services at Aviation facilities by enforcing applicable laws, ordinances, administrative orders, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. Perform both foot and vehicle patrols, write detailed reports concerning FAA, TSA, O.R.C. regulation violations, criminal and non-criminal activities; issue traffic citations, make arrests as warranted and use judgment in all situations to ensure actions are appropriate to the applicable laws. Officers administer first aid and make notifications or removal of person to area hospitals for treatment.
Officers also perform duties to assist airport operations and flight services when aircraft are overdue or missing and when tower warnings or alerts are issued. Must have a detailed knowledge of the airfield and the regulations governing the equipment and conditions of the airfield, including the regulations of other governing agencies, such as the FAA or TSA. Officers perform central dispatching duties which includes dispatching police officers as well as maintenance personnel, and any other duties necessary to the efficient operation of the division, including, but not limited to the use of the L.E.A.D.S. terminal, emergency tele-notification system, security system and the airport computer controlled access system.
Minimum Qualifications
Graduation from high school (or G.E.D.).
Candidates must have satisfactorily completed the required law enforcement training curriculum of the State of Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC). A copy of the OPOTC certificate or the equivalent Letter of Completion from the Ohio Attorney General’s office must be presented at the time of application.
At the time of appointment: applicants appointed as peace officers on, or after January 1, 1989, and who have had a break in sworn Ohio law enforcement service of more than one year but less than four years MUST attend a two-day course that meets the requirements described in section 109: 2-1-12(D) of the Ohio Administrative Code.
Officers will be required to attend and successfully complete the Airport Police Field Training Program.
Must be at least 21 years of age.
The following must be possessed and maintained as a term and condition of continued employment:
1. Must have completed an accredited Ohio Peace Officer's Basic Training Program. Must possess a valid Ohio Peace Officer's Training Council Certificate or the equivalent letter from the Attorney General of the State of Ohio.
A copy of your certificate or letter must be uploaded with your application.
2. Newly hired Airport Police Officers will be required to attend Ohio Emergency Response training when scheduled and obtain a valid State of Ohio Emergency Medical Response (EMR) certification and maintain throughout employment as a term and condition of continued employment.
License Requirements
Must possess a valid driver's license at time of appointment and maintain thereafter as a term and condition of continued employment.
Special Requirements
This is a multi-shift position and includes weekends, holidays and overtime and is subject to shift holdovers and recalls with no prior notice. This is a seven day a week, twenty-four hour operational unit and coverage minimums are dictated by TSA and FAA regulations.
Must be a citizen of the United States.
Background Investigation
Must be of good moral character and be able to pass an extensive background investigation including a polygraph examination. Must not have any felony convictions even if such conviction has been sealed or expunged. Must not have any misdemeanor convictions for domestic violence unless the conviction has been expunged or set aside with the exception of those who have as a condition of pardon, expungement or restoration of civil rights, been expressly barred from possessing or receiving firearms. Must be able to meet any and all Ohio Administrative Code or Ohio Revised Codes that govern the ability to attend Peace Office Training Academies and the ability to possess or receive firearms.
Final appointment is contingent upon passing a job-related psychological and medical examination, including drug screen and stress test.
Visual acuity must be correctable to 20/40 or better in each eye. Depth perception must be judged to be normal. Peripheral vision: field of vision in the horizontal meridian shall not be less than a total of 140 degrees.
Must meet the approved medical and physical standards and be physically able to perform the required duties of the position of Airport Police Officer.
Applications must specifically address each of the minimum qualifications, directly showing how each is met.
Background Check
A background investigation and evidence of Employment Authorization and Identity is required prior to employment. All candidates must pass any level of background investigation applicable to the position, including current city employees seeking transfer, promotion, demotion, etc. into a classified position.
Medical Examination & Drug and Nicotine Testing
Final appointment is contingent upon passing a job-related psychological and medical examination, including drug screen and stress test. Applicants offered employment with the City will be required to pass a nicotine screening. Newly hired employees must remain tobacco and nicotine free as a condition of continued employment. The Tobacco and Nicotine Free Hiring Policy does not apply to current City employees.
An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer