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Sheriff Cadet

Recruitment #0125-TP0999-PC


This recruitment is being conducted to fill several vacancies in the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office and to establish a referral list which may be used to fill future vacancies.

Sheriff Cadet is a temporary class in the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Department for individuals ages 18 to 21 who are pursuing a career in law enforcement. The Sheriff Cadet is not a peace officer. Incumbents receive training in legal processes and crime prevention techniques, traffic control procedures, first aid, and firearms to acquire experience necessary to pursue a career in law enforcement. As a Sheriff Cadet gains experience through the program they may perform duties with more independence. 

Pre-Employment Drug Screening and Background:  Potential new hires into this classification are required to successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen and a background investigation as a condition of employment. Final appointment cannot be made unless the eligible has passed the drug screen and successfully completed the background process.  The County pays for the initial drug screen. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application. A completed application must be postmarked or received online by the final filing deadline. 

NOTE: All correspondences relating to this recruitment will be delivered via e-mail. The e-mail account used will be the one provided on your employment application during time of submittal. Please be sure to check your e-mail often for updates. If you do not have an e-mail account on file, Human Resources will send you correspondences via US Mail.


Under immediate supervision, trains in non-sworn law enforcement processes and procedures to provide support in divisions of the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Department; and does related or other work as required.


  • Gathers general information from a variety of sources; asks/answers questions and completes forms; searches for, receives and explains information regarding rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and technical office operations. 
  • Searches records to establish information on missing persons; files routine reports and records.  
  • Gathers information and writes counter reports for Sheriff’s divisions. 
  • Assists technical services by performing routine tasks; fingerprints the general public for applications processing. 
  • Assists with traffic enforcement including DUI checkpoints, on County roads and contract cities. 
  • Assists with abandoned vehicle enforcement within the Sheriff Department’s jurisdiction. 
  • Processes and searches inmate mail. 
  • Assists and participates in special projects and events. 
  • Assists in the maintenance and transportation of Sheriff’s records, including crime reports, citations and statistical data.


Licenses and Certificates:  Possession of a valid California driver’s license.

Education:   Graduation from high school or satisfactory completion of a G.E.D 

Special Requirements: 
1)      Be at least 18 years of age upon appointment. 
2)      Currently enrolled in an accredited two-year community college or a four-year college or university.
3)      Pass a background investigation conducted by the Sheriff’s Department.


Basic social aspects of law enforcement; general office practices and procedures; personal computer systems and general office computer software; general human behavior; language usage and mechanics; basic mathematics; public relations principles; self-defense, restraint and emergency/crisis management techniques; first aid.


Understand, interpret and apply laws, regulations, and ordinances related to law enforcement; utilize standard office procedures and equipment; read, understand and apply detailed instructions and other job related materials; understand, interpret and apply laws, regulations, and ordinances related to law enforcement; relate to a wide variety of socio-economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds; adapt to changes of assignment; establish and maintain good working relationships with co-workers, the public, and others; communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; perform a variety of law enforcement support activities; physically restrain persons; exercise good judgment; stay calm under stressful or emergency situations; under go laws of arrest and self defense training.


Mobility-Operation of a data entry device; repetitive motion; sitting, standing, walking for extended periods of time; driving; occasional running, pushing, pulling, bending, squatting, climbing, crawling; Lifting-Frequently 5 to 30 lbs; occasional lifting/turning of heavy objects or people; Visual-Constant good overall vision, reading/close-up work; color perception and use eye/hand coordination; frequent use of depth perception and field/peripheral vision; Dexterity-Frequent reaching; grasping; repetitive motion; writing; Hearing/Talking-Frequent hearing of normal speech, hearing/talking on the telephone/radio, talking in person; ability to hear faint sounds; Emotional/Psychological-Constant decision making, concentration, and public contact; public speaking; dealing with emergency situations; frequent working alone; occasional exposure to trauma, grief, and death, hazardous materials; Special Requirements-May require working weekends and nights; Environmental-Frequent exposure to varied weather conditions.

Equal Opportunity Employer

San Joaquin County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer and is committed to providing equal employment to all without regard to age, ancestry, color, creed, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.  For more information go to Equal Employment Opportunity Division (

Accommodations for those covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):

San Joaquin County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and, upon request, will consider reasonable accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential job functions.

Selection Procedures

Applicants for part-time and temporary recruitments who meet the minimum qualifications are either referred to the hiring department for further selection or they may be required to take a written examination.  If a written examination is given, the top candidates may be referred to the hiring department for further selection.

Testing Accommodation:  Candidates who require testing accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must call Human Resources Division at (209) 468-3370 prior to the examination date. 

Physical Exam:  Some classifications require physical examinations.  Final appointment cannot be made until the eligible has passed the physical examination.  The County pays for physical examinations administered in its medical facilities.

Pre-employment Drug Screening Exam:  Some classifications require a new employee successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen as a condition of employment.  Final appointment cannot be made until the eligible has passed the drug screen.  The County pays for the initial drug screen.

Employment of Relatives: Applicants who are relatives of employees in a department within the 3rd degree of relationship, (parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling) either by blood or marriage, may not be appointed, promoted, transferred into or within the department when:

  • They are related to the Appointing Authority, or

  • The employment would result in one of them supervising the work of the other

Department Heads may establish additional limitations on the hiring of relatives by departmental rule.

Proof of Eligibility:  If you are offered a job, you will be required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship or other documents that establish your eligibility to be employed in the U.S.


Apply Online:

By mail or in person:  

San Joaquin County Human Resources

44 N. San Joaquin Street Suite 330

Stockton, CA 95202                                  


Office hours:               
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; excluding holidays.

Phone:  (209) 468-3370 


Job Line:

For current employment opportunities please call our 24-hour job line at (209) 468-3377. 

When a final filing date is indicated, applications must be filed with the Human Resources Division before 5:00 p.m. or postmarked by the final filing date. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application. Applications sent through county inter-office mail, which are not received by the final filing date, will not be accepted. (The County assumes no responsibility for mailed applications which are not received by the Human Resources Division).  

San Joaquin County Substance Abuse Policy: San Joaquin County has adopted a Substance Abuse Policy in compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. This policy is enforced by all San Joaquin County Departments and applies to all San Joaquin County employees.

Equal Opportunity Employer:  San Joaquin County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer and is committed to providing equal employment to all without regard to age, ancestry, color, creed, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.  For more information go to

Click on a link below to apply for this position:

Fill out the Supplemental Questionnaire and Application NOW using the Internet.
View and print the Supplemental Questionnaire. This recruitment requires completion of a supplemental questionnaire. You may view and print the supplemental questionnaire here.
View and print the official application form as an Acrobat pdf file. scannable paper application A San Joaquin County application form is required for this recruitment. You may print this Acrobat PDF document and then fill it in.
Contact us via conventional means. You may contact us by phone at (209) 468-3370, or by email, or apply for a job in person at the San Joaquin County Human Resources Division.

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San Joaquin County
Human Resources Division  Stockton, CA 95202
E-mail | Phone: (209) 468-3370 | 8am - 5pm M-F | Powered by JobAps