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Deputy Public Guardian I - Public Guardian/Conservator's Office

*3% COLA increase effective July 14, 2025*

Recruitment #0125-RS2031-01


This examination is being given to fill 1 vacancy in the Office of the Public Guardian/Conservator and to establish an eligible list to fill future vacancies. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application. A completed application must be postmarked or received online by the final filing deadline.

NOTE: All correspondences relating to this recruitment will be delivered via e-mail. The e-mail account used will be the one provided on your employment application during time of submittal. Please be sure to check your e-mail often for updates. If you do not have an e-mail account on file, Human Resources will send you correspondences via US Mail.


  • Investigates the financial, social, and medical background of persons referred for guardianship or conservatorship; determines whether guardianship or conservatorship is appropriate under the applicable laws; prepares reports, testifies and makes recommendations to the court regarding guardianship or conservatorship of referrals.
  • Locates, secures and inventories all real and personal property so accurate records on all assets and liabilities of each conservatee can be maintained; develops initial financial plan for daily and monthly maintenance needs of conservatee; notifies creditors and debtors of status of client; authorizes payment of bills.
  • Develops financial resources for payment of care and/or incidental needs of conservatees including: making arrangements for purchase of disposal of personal and real property; applying for social security, Medicare, or other benefits; locating and applying for private or government pensions, etc.
  • Arranges for housing, medical care, nursing care, food and other basic needs; confers and coordinates with health care, social service, and legal agencies and representatives regarding care of clients; may provide transportation of conservatee to court or from one facility to another, as necessary.
  • Provides supervision of conservatee until case is transferred to case management; provides ongoing legal supervision of conservatee for medical orders or other matters that arise;
  • Monitors the physical, emotional, and fiscal well being of conservatees; monitors the adequacy and appropriateness of case management activities; reviews financial accountings, individual records and transactions, and other records to ensure appropriate expenditure of conservatee funds for the benefit of the conservatee; visits conservatee by phone and in person to ascertain the appropriateness and adequacy of housing, meals, health care, and related matters.
  • Prepares and maintains case records and files; prepares correspondence and reports using computers.


Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university preferably with a degree in the social or behavioral sciences or closely related field.

Experience: One year of paid experience performing social casework, probate, criminal or civil investigations or experience managing personal finances for clients.

Certification: Effective July 1, 2008, must obtain certification issued by the California State Association of Public Administrators, Public Guardians and Public Conservators within four (4) years of appointment under the standards and certification requirements set forth by the PAPGPC and maintain certification while employed in the Public Guardian/Conservator Office.

License:  Possession of a valid California driver’s license.

Special Requirement:  Must be able to pass a State of California background check.


General obligations of Guardian/Conservator; basic investigative procedures; interviewing techniques; general financial management and record keeping principles; basic psychological and physiological disorders; common medical and social problems associated with handicapped or incompetent persons; general report writing procedures.


Read, understand, and interpret job related material, including the Probate Code, the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, and the Welfare and Institutions Code; establish and maintain effective working relationships with clients, the general public, and representatives of other agencies; analyze and evaluate medical, legal, and financial information; maintain records and reports.


Mobility-Regular operation of a data entry device, repetitive motion, sitting for long periods, walking; occasional standing, pushing, pulling, bending, squatting, climbing; Dexterity-Sufficient to operate a key board; handle individual papers; write and take notes; Lifting/Pushing/Pulling-Frequently lifting of 5 pounds or less; occasional lifting of 5 to 30 pounds; Visual Requirements-Ability to read files and documents and use computer screens; constant good overall vision and reading/close-up work; frequent color perception and use of eye/hand coordination; occasional use of depth perception and peripheral vision; Hearing/Talking-Frequent hearing of normal speech, hearing/talking on the telephone, talking in person; Emotional/Psychological-Frequent decision making, concentration, and public contact; Special Requirements-Some assignments may require working weekends, nights, and/or occasional overtime; Environmental- may involve working in unpleasant physical environments.

Equal Opportunity Employer

San Joaquin County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer and is committed to providing equal employment to all without regard to age, ancestry, color, creed, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.  For more information go to

Accommodations for those covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):

San Joaquin County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and, upon request, will consider reasonable accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential job functions.


For current benefits options, please visit the HR Benefits page - Click here.

Selection Plan

Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications will go through the following examination process:

  • Written Exam: The civil service written exam is a multiple choice format.  If the written exam is administered alone, it will be 100% of the overall score.  Candidates must achieve a minimum rating of 70% in order to be placed on the eligible list.
  • Oral Exam:   The oral exam is a structured interview process that will assess the candidate’s education, training, and experience and may include a practical exercise.   The oral exam selection process is not a hiring interview.   A panel of up to four people will determine the candidate’s score and rank for placement on the eligible list.  Top candidates from the eligible list are referred for hiring interviews.  If the oral exam is administered alone, it will be 100% of the overall score.  Candidates must achieve a minimum rating of 70% in order to be placed on the eligible list. 
  • Written & Oral Exam:  If both a written exam and an oral exam is administered, the written exam is weighted at 60% and the oral exam is weighted at 40% unless otherwise indicated on the announcement.  Candidates must achieve a minimum rating of 70% on each examination in order to be placed on the eligible list.
  • Rate-out:  A rate-out is an examination that involves a paper rating of the candidate’s application using the following criteria: education, training, and experience. Candidates will not be scheduled for the rate-out process. 

 Note:  The rating of 70 referred to may be the same or other than an arithmetic 70% of the total possible points.

Testing Accommodation:  Candidates who require testing accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must call Human Resources Division at (209) 468-3370 prior to the examination date.   

Veteran’s Points:  Eligible veterans, unmarried widows and widowers of veterans of the United States Armed Forces who have been honorably discharged and who have served during wartime shall be given veteran’s points in initial appointment to County service.  Eligible veterans receive 5 points and eligible disabled veterans receive 10 points. Disabled veterans must submit a recent award letter stating a 10% service connected disability issued by the United States Veterans Administration.  Note:  A copy of your DD214 showing the discharge type must be received in the Human Resources by the date of the examination.

Acceptable wartime service dates:

  • September 16, 1940 to December 31, 1946

  • June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955

  • August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975

  • Persian Gulf War, August 2, 1990, through a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation.

Eligible Lists:   Candidates who pass the examination will be placed on an eligible list for that classification.  Eligible lists are effective for nine months, but may be extended by the Human Resources Director for a period which shall not exceed a total of three years from the date established.

Certification/Referral: Names from the eligible list will be referred to the hiring department by the following methods.

  • Rule of the Rank: The top rank or ranks of eligibles will be referred for hiring interviews.  The minimum number of names to be referred will be equal to the number of positions plus nine, or 10% of the eligible list, whichever is higher.  When filling nine or more positions in a department at the same time, the top rank or ranks will be referred and the minimum number of names shall be two times the number of positions to be filled or 10% of the eligible list, whichever is higher. This applies only to open competitive recruitments.
  • Rule of Five:  The top five names will be referred for hiring interviews.  This applies only to department or countywide promotional examination.
  • Rule of the List: For classifications designated by the Director of Human Resources, the entire eligible list will be referred to the department.

Physical Exam:  Some classifications require physical examinations. Final appointment cannot be made until the eligible has passed the physical examination. The County pays for physical examinations administered in its medical facilities.

Pre-Employment Drug Screening Exam:  Some classifications require a new employee successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen as a condition of employment.  Final appointment cannot be made until the eligible has passed the drug screen.  The County pays for the initial drug screen.

Employment of Relatives: Applicants who are relatives of employees in a department within the 3rd degree of relationship, (parent, child, grand parent, grand child or sibling) either by blood or marriage, may not be appointed, promoted, transferred into or within the department when;

  • They are related to the Appointing Authority or

  • The employment would result in one of them supervising the work of the other.

Department Head may establish additional limitations on the hiring of relatives by departmental rule.

Proof of Eligibility:  If you are offered a job you will be required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship or other documents that establish your eligibility to be employed in the U.S.


Selection Procedures

Please be advised that Human Resources will only be accepting Online Application submittals for this recruitment. Paper application submittals will not be considered or accepted.


Apply Online:


Office hours:               
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; excluding holidays.

Phone:  (209) 468-3370 


Job Line:

For current employment opportunities please call our 24-hour job line at (209) 468-3377. 

When a final filing date is indicated, applications must be submitted online to the Human Resources Division before the submission deadline. Resumes and paper applications will not be accepted in lieu of an online application.  (The County assumes no responsibility for online applications which are not received by the Human Resources Division).  

San Joaquin County Substance Abuse Policy: San Joaquin County has adopted a Substance Abuse Policy in compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. This policy is enforced by all San Joaquin County Departments and applies to all San Joaquin County employees.

Equal Opportunity Employer:  San Joaquin County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer and is committed to providing equal employment to all without regard to age, ancestry, color, creed, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.  For more information go to


Apply Online:

By mail or in person:  

San Joaquin County Human Resources

44 N. San Joaquin Street Suite 330

Stockton, CA 95202                                  


Office hours:               
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; excluding holidays.

Phone:  (209) 468-3370 


Job Line:

For current employment opportunities please call our 24-hour job line at (209) 468-3377. 

When a final filing date is indicated, applications must be filed with the Human Resources Division before 5:00 p.m. or postmarked by the final filing date. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application. Applications sent through county inter-office mail, which are not received by the final filing date, will not be accepted. (The County assumes no responsibility for mailed applications which are not received by the Human Resources Division).  

San Joaquin County Substance Abuse Policy: San Joaquin County has adopted a Substance Abuse Policy in compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. This policy is enforced by all San Joaquin County Departments and applies to all San Joaquin County employees.

Equal Opportunity Employer:  San Joaquin County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer and is committed to providing equal employment to all without regard to age, ancestry, color, creed, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.  For more information go to

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San Joaquin County
Human Resources Division  Stockton, CA 95202
E-mail | Phone: (209) 468-3370 | 8am - 5pm M-F | Powered by JobAps