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Santa Cruz County Personnel Department

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name First Name



The supplemental questions are designed specifically for this recruitment. Applications received without the required supplemental information will be screened out of the selection process. Employment experience.

NOTE: Please answer the question(s) below as completely and thoroughly as possible, as your answer(s) may be used to assess your qualifications for movement to the next step in the recruitment process.


Describe your education, training, and experience in each of the following areas:
  A. Comprehensive land use planning: e.g. General Plans, Area Plans, Special Studies, Housing Elements.
  B. Developing new zoning ordinances and development standards.
  C. Communicating and presenting complex policy issues to other staff, the public, commissions, and Boards of
      Supervisors or City Councils.


Describe your experience in supervising, training, and/or evaluating the work of subordinate professional planning staff.


Describe methods you use to ensure a high level of customer service in public information and policy development.


Please describe your experience in public outreach and working effectively with the public through a variety of public participation strategies.