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$48.15-$60.93 hourly / $8,346.00-$10,561.00 monthly / $100,152.00-$126,734.40 yearly


Under direction, to conduct difficult field inspections on major or technically complex building projects; to serve as an office resource or project leader or specialist; to handle difficult and complex inspection problems; and to do other work as required.

Distinguishing Characteristics

This is the advanced journey level generalist class. Incumbent perform difficult and complex building inspections in all areas of the County, handle difficult inspections or problems, serve as a resource to staff and supervise code enforcement, vehicle abatement and other staff. Additionally, incumbents assist in training Building Inspection staff. This class differs from the next higher class of Supervising Building Inspector in that the latter is responsible for supervising Building Inspectors. This class differs from the next lower class of Building Inspector II in that the latter is the journey level generalist class assigned to perform inspections in a geographic area of the County.

Typical Tasks

Conducts commercial and technically complex inspections including reviewing plans, meeting with professionals prior to and during construction and performing field inspections during construction for compliance to codes, ordinances and administrative orders and for conformance to approved plans and specifications; makes special inspections including changes of use for commercial property, house moving, structures built without permits and others; keeps abreast of changes in methods and materials used in the construction industry, laws, codes and regulations and advises and assists in training the Building Inspection staff; meets with personnel from other governmental agencies, fire districts and County departments for joint inspections and discussions; oversees the investigations of illegal building and posts "Stop Work" orders of issues citations; processes the abolishment of dangerous buildings; may appear in court as an expert witness for building inspections and code enforcement matters; solves complex problems and complaints concerning building inspection issues; serves as a project leader, internal expert or specialist; plans, assigns and evaluates the work of code enforcement, vehicle abatement and other staff; interprets conflicting codes and determine the applicable code; develops policies and procedures and updates the procedures manual as approved; researches new legislation, code enforcement, construction, classification, and related issues and recommends appropriate action; inputs, accesses and analyzes data using a computer; prepares reports and correspondence; attends meetings and conferences.

Employment Standards


  • Thorough knowledge of Federal, State and County building codes, ordinances and administrative orders applicable to the building and construction trades;
  • Working knowledge of safety standards and construction methods;
  • Working knowledge of construction materials, methods and tools;
  • Working knowledge of the techniques of building inspection including electrical, plumbing, mechanical and structural work;
  • Some knowledge of the principles and techniques of supervision and training.
Ability to:

  • Interpret, explain and advise on specific building codes, ordinance and administrative order requirements;
  • Supervise and train staff;
  • Read and interpret building plans and specifications;
  • Establish and maintain an effective working relationship with building professionals, property owners and the general public;
  • Conduct complex and technically difficult building inspections, enforce regulations and detect deviations from approved plans and specifications;
  • Detect substandard materials and workmanship;
  • Write clear and concise instructions and reports;
  • Speak effectively;
  • Enforce regulations with tact and firmness;
  • Walk rugged terrain and climb through partially built structures;
  • Learn to input, access and analyze data using a computer terminal.

Training and Experience:

Any combination of training and experience, which would provide the required knowledge and abilities, is qualifying. A typical way to obtain these knowledge and abilities would be:

One year of experience performing duties comparable to a Building Inspector II in Santa Cruz County.


Possess and maintain a valid California Class C Driver's License.


Analyst: JAD

CLASS: TR8; EST: 6/1/1988;