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Placer County Human Resources Department

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name First Name


Accountant - I

Supplemental Questionnaire




Part I -  Minimum Qualifications (Not Scored)

This section will not be scored or used for determining minimum qualifications but is provided to the applicant for informational purposes prior to completing the questionnaire. Applicants are required to demonstrate how they meet the minimum qualifications for this position on their application.



Do you possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in accounting, finance, or a closely related field?

Yes No

List your field of study/major.


List your degree type received. If no degree received, list number of semester units completed toward degree.


Applicants not meeting the education requirement may be eligible to substitute a combination of experience and education as indicated in the Minimum Qualifications section. For consideration, be sure to clearly describe all equivalent duties and applicable education on your application.



Part II -  Training and Experience Examination (Scored)

This supplemental questionnaire will serve as the Civil Service examination for this recruitment and will be scored based on your checked responses below. Narratives provided by applicants describing training and/or experience will not be scored but will be available to the hiring authority and may be utilized for interview and selection determination.

Scores received from this section will determine applicant ranking and placement on the eligible list. Resumes, letters, and other materials will not be evaluated or considered as responses to the items in the supplemental questionnaire. In addition, responses to this questionnaire will not be used for determining minimum qualifications for this position.

By continuing in this examination process, you are certifying that all information provided in the supplemental questionnaire is true to the best of your knowledge.


I have read and I understand the above instructions.


INSTRUCTIONS: For the following questions, please indicate your level of knowledge and/or experience:


Preparing and processing accounting records (e.g., supplier invoices, journal entries, related backup documentation).

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Performing cost accounting, financial accounting, and governmental accounting.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Applying statutory laws, rules, and regulations applicable to governmental accounting and budgeting.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Applying accounting standards, such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as set forth by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Recording and reviewing transactions in subsidiary and general ledgers and preparing trial balances, reconciliations, and worksheets.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Reconciling financial discrepancies by collecting and analyzing account information.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Applying principles and theories of internal control over financial reporting and compliance, including key indicators of fraud and risk.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Providing a high level of customer service in a work environment.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Managing and prioritizing multiple projects to meet deadlines.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated knowledge/experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Working as a lead or supervisor over clerical or technical staff.

I have no knowledge/experience or a very limited amount of knowledge/experience in this area.
I have been trained on and/or taken course work in this area.
I have experience performing this task under close supervision.
I have experience performing this task independently under normal supervision.
I have extensive experience performing this task and have trained and/or supervised others performing this task.

If you indicated experience in this area, please briefly describe.


Please select all programs in which you are proficient.

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Word
Other accounting software programs
I am not proficient in any of the above programs.


Thank you for completing the examination portion of the application process. We encourage applicants to review their answers for accuracy prior to submitting.

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Be sure to select the "Submit" button once the application has been completed. You will receive confirmation that the application has been submitted.