offical seal
Human Capital Management

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name First Name

STOP! You have completed the required screening questions for this Job Family.  Please verify you meet the education and experience requirements listed in the job bulletin before completing the following supplemental questionnaire. The questions below will be used for scoring in lieu of a written exam.

What is your experience conducting timber inventory surveys?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience providing assistance to the public on urban and/or community forestry projects?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
I have work experience advising farmers and/or landowners on:  (Check all that apply.)
establishment of windbreaks/shelterbelts
forest pest management
fire prevention/prescribed burning
wildlife habitat management
erosion control projects
forestation projects
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
I have work experience providing professional information and assistance to forest landowners and sawmill operators regarding: (Check all that apply.)
forest inventories
forest management
timber harvesting
best management practices for water quality
forest regeneration methods
marketing of forest products
I have no experience performing this task
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience providing information to the public on proper tree planting and care?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience computing and analyzing forest resources data, and summarizing results?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
Which best describes your participation in meetings, conferences and/or seminars on forestry? Check all that apply.)
I have attended meetings, conferences and/or seminars on forestry.
I have made presentations at meetings, conferences and/or seminars on forestry.
I have organized and/or coordinated meetings, conferences and/or seminars on forestry.
I have not participated in any meetings, conferences and/or seminars on forestry.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience developing and/or implementing statewide/regional forestry assistance programs?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience preparing specialized written forestry plans with specific recommendations for landowners, groups or communities?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience coordinating with other public and/or private agencies to develop and interpret program guidelines?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your experience preparing program promotional materials such as news articles, brochures and PowerPoint presentations?
I have had classes or training on this task but have not yet performed it on the job.
I have performed this task on the job in a learning capacity. I received training on how to do the task and performed the task regularly. My work on this task was monitored fairly closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures.
I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
I have no experience performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.
What is your work experience developing and/or conducting training classes?
I have helped develop/conduct training classes.
I have been trained on developing/conducting training classes.
I have developed training classes.
I have conducted training classes.
I have no experience with developing/conducting training classes.
Please list the employer and job title or school name and location where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A in the box.