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Human Capital Management

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name First Name



Please verify that you meet the education and experience requirements listed in the job bulletin before completing the following supplemental questionnaire.  The questions below will be used for scoring purposes in lieu of a written exam.

What is your experience in planning and overseeing volunteer service programs?
I have performed this task independently, as a regular part of my job. Other workers ask me to assist on this task because of my experience.
I have performed this task as a regular part of my job, under direction of a supervisor or senior employee.
I have had training in this task, but I have not performed this type of task as a regular part of my job.
I have not had training or experience in performing this task.

Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 

What is your experience in recruiting and selecting volunteer workers? Check all that apply.
I have recruited and selected volunteer workers for a state or a facility-wide program.
I have recruited and selected volunteer workers for a division-wide program.
I have assisted in the recruitment and selection of volunteer workers for my division or work unit.
I have not had experience in performing this task.

Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 

What is your experience interpreting and advising on volunteer program policies and procedures?
I am considered an expert in performing this task. Other workers ask me to assist on this task because of my experience.
I have performed this task independently, as a regular part of my job. My work was subject only to general review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I have had training in this task, but I have not performed this type of task as a regular part of my job.
I have not had training or experience in performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 
What is your experience maintaining monetary and gift donations pertaining to program activity?
I have performed this task independently, as a regular part of my job. Other workers ask me to assist on this task because of my experience.
I have performed this task as a regular part of my job, under direction of a supervisor or senior employee.
I have had training in this task, but I have not performed this type of task as a regular part of my job.
I have not had training or experience in performing this task.

Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 

What is your experience developing and implementing volunteer training programs?
I have developed and implemented a state or facility wide program.
I have developed and implemented a division wide program.
I have not had experience in performing this task.

Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 

What is your experience preparing and maintaining reports and other materials concerning administrative operations?
I have performed this task independently, as a regular part of my job. Other workers ask me to assist on this task because of my experience.
I have performed this task as a regular part of my job. My work was subject only to general review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I have had training in this task, but I have not performed this type of task as a regular part of my job.
I have not had training or experience in performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 
What is your experience in evaluating volunteer program effectiveness?
I am considered an expert in performing this task. Other workers ask me to assist on this task because of my experience.
I have performed this task independently, as a regular part of my job. My work was subject only to general review by a supervisor or senior employee.
I have had training in this task, but I have not performed this type of task as a regular part of my job.
I have not had training or experience in performing this task.
Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 
What experience do you have in supervising volunteer workers?
One year or longer
Less than one year
I have no experience supervising volunteer workers.

Please list the employer and job title where you gained your experience as indicated in the response above.  If you indicated "no experience", then please type N/A below. 

Do you possess your certification in volunteer administration?
Currently in the process of gaining certification