Official SealDepartment of Budget and Management

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name
First Name


***Please note that your answers on the supplemental questionnaire must correspond to the information provided on your application to receive credit. Applications that do not include a completed supplemental questionnaire will be considered incomplete and may be subject to disapproval.***



Please identify any other positions with the Office of the Public Defender that you have applied for or maintained (including pending applications).


Are you a member of a Bar?

I recently sat for the Bar in a State that administers the UBE and am awaiting results.
I recently sat for the bar exam in a non-UBE state and am awaiting the results.
I passed the most recent bar exam in a state that administers the UBE but have yet to be sworn in.
I passed the most recent bar exam in a non-UBE state but have yet to be sworn in.

Please identify which Jurisdiction(s) and the date(s) of admission.


Have you been subject to a Bar complaint, investigation, or disciplinary action?

(If yes, please append an explanation to your application)

Yes No

Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g., H-1B visa status)?


In the space provided below please explain why you want to be a Public Defender in Maryland (500 words minimum).


In the space provided below tell us why you believe your experiences and skills make you qualified for this specific position at OPD (500 words minimum).

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