DCJ Deputy Chief State's Attorney

Inspector General

Recruitment #250109-2611VR-001


The State of ConnecticutDivision of Criminal Justice (DCJ) is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of all criminal matters in the State of Connecticut. It is an independent agency of the executive branch of state government, established under the Constitution of the State of Connecticut. The Division is composed of the Office of the Chief State's Attorney, located in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, and the Offices of the State's Attorneys for each of the thirteen Judicial Districts in the State of Connecticut. 

C.G.S. §51-277e established the Office of the Inspector General as a separate office within the Division of Criminal Justice to be known as the Office of the Inspector General.  Appointed by the Criminal Justice Commission, the Deputy Chief State’s Attorney – Inspector General (hereafter “Inspector General”) shall lead the Office of the Inspector General and has prosecutorial powers as a designee of the Chief State’s Attorney. 

About this Position:
We are recruiting for a full-time DCJ Deputy Chief State's Attorney (Inspector General) located in Shelton, CT.  NOTE: This is an Unclassified/Exempt, appointed position for a term of four (4) years, which includes responsibility for directing staff as assigned.  

In this role, the Inspector General shall be devoted, on a full-time basis, to the duties of the Office.  The Inspector General may not otherwise engage in the practice of law and may not be a partner, member or associate of a law firm.

What We Can Offer You:
About Us:
The Division of Criminal Justice (Division) and its employees are committed to the fair and equal administration of justice in Connecticut. To this end, the Division acknowledges its duty to investigate and prosecute matters within its jurisdiction diligently, ethically and impartially, honoring its constitutional and common law foundations. By ensuring that the criminal laws of the State of Connecticut are enforced fairly and constitutionally, the Division honors the rule of law upon which our nation is founded.  Accomplishing this mission depends upon skill, creativity, and constructive interaction of all Division employees with the law enforcement community and advocacy in the highest traditions of the Office of State's Attorney, the first public prosecutor in America.

  • Incumbents will be required to complete a background check, and appointment to this position is made by the Criminal Justice Commission.  Please be sure to include your juris number on the application.

Selection Plan

Please read or watch our Applicant Tips on How to Apply!

To Apply:
  • The only way to apply to this job posting is via the "APPLY" or "APPLY ONLINE" buttons on the official State of Connecticut Online Employment Center job posting.
  • In order to be considered for this job opening, you must meet the Minimum Qualifications as listed on the job opening.  The minimum experience and training requirements must be met by the closing date on the job opening, unless otherwise specified.
  • You must specify your qualifications on your application.  You will be unable to make revisions once you submit your application for this posting to the JobAps system.
  • The incumbent will be required to complete a background check and appointment to this position is made by the Criminal Justice Commission. Please be sure to list your juris number on the application. The incumbent may be required to travel in the course of their daily work.
  • In order to comply with Public Act 21-69, the State of Connecticut is no longer asking for resumes during the initial application process.  Candidates invited to interview may be required to submit additional documentation which supports their qualification(s) for this position, such as a resume, performance reviews, supervisory references, college transcripts, licensure, etc., at the discretion of the hiring agency.
  • NOTE: For current state employees, salary calculations are not necessarily comparable from one of the three branches of state government (i.e., Executive, Legislative, Judicial) to the other.
After You Apply:
  • All application materials must be received by the recruiting agency by the time specified on the job opening for the position for which you are applying. Late applications may not be submitted and will not be considered. Exceptions are rare and limited to documented events that incapacitate a candidate during the entire duration of the job posting time period.  It is the candidate’s obligation and responsibility to request an exception and provide a legally recognized justification to accommodate such exception.  Requests should be made to
  • All communication with applicants will be through the JobAps system, so applicants are encouraged to check for updates to their JobAps portal account.  Please ensure that you are utilizing the correct email address for notices to be sent to you from the JobAps system.  Interviews will be limited to candidates whose experience and training most closely meet the requirements of the position.  Helpful Tips to prepare for your interview.
  • Candidates who are offered and accept a position with the State of Connecticut are bound by the State Code of Ethics for Public Officials and State Employees, which is available at
Contact Us:
  • Updates will be available through your JobAps portal account.  Questions about this position should be directed to the hiring agency's human resources office: or 860-258-5800.


  • Conduct investigations of peace officers in accordance with section 51-277a; 
  • Prosecute any case in which the Inspector General determines a peace officer used force found to not be justifiable pursuant to section 53a-22 or where a police officer or correctional officer fails to intervene in any such incident or to report any such incident, as required under subsection (a) of section 7-282e or section 18-81nn, as applicable; 
  • Investigate any failure to report the death of a person in accordance with the provisions of section 7-294mm; 
  • Investigate any failure to report in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection (h) of section 7-294d; 
  • Refer cases for potential prosecution, to the Division of Criminal Justice, when determination is made that there is a death of a person in the custody of a peace officer or law enforcement agency by criminal means not involving the use of force by a peace officer; 
  • Make recommendations to the Police Officer Standards and Training Council established under section 7-294b concerning censure and suspension, renewal, cancelation or revocation of a peace officer's certification, provided in the case of a failure to report a death of a person, any such recommendation may be made to said council only in a case where such failure is found to be intentional or made with reckless indifference, or if there is no finding that such failure was intentional or made with reckless indifference, a recommendation may be made to the officer's employing agency for any further disciplinary action as so determined by such employing agency;
  • Select, from staff of the Division of Criminal Justice within the confines of any existing collective bargaining agreement, such professional, technical and other personnel which shall include, but not be limited to, an assistant state's attorney or a deputy assistant state's attorney, an inspector and administrative staff;
  • When need is determined, the Inspector General may request of and be ensured assistance, from the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney, such additional staffing as may be reasonably necessary for the efficient operation and discharge of the required duties; 
  • When deemed necessary, the Inspector General shall make requests of the appropriate law enforcement agency to provide such assistance as is necessary to determine the circumstances of the investigated incidents resulting in deaths;  
  • Prepare and complete reports pursuant to investigations undertaken in accordance with the statutory timelines and requirements; and 
  • Perform such other duties and responsibilities as are reasonably necessary to implement the purposes of the applicable statutes.


Operations and Administration: 
  • Considerable leadership skills and experience;
  • Considerable knowledge and ability to apply state and federal laws, statutes and regulations;
  • Extensive knowledge of criminal law, criminal procedure and the rules of evidence; 
  • Considerable knowledge of effective courtroom presentation techniques and procedures; 
  • Understanding and ability to apply the principles and practices of supervision and training; 
  • Understanding and ability to apply the principles and practices of organization and management; 
  • Knowledge of the legislative process; 
  • Knowledge of governmental organization and functional responsibilities; 
  • Knowledge of procedures for governmental programming and budgeting; 
  • Considerable interpersonal skills; considerable oral and written communication skills; and,
  • Knowledge and understanding of the role and function of the state, local, federal and other law enforcement agencies in Connecticut.


Three (3) years of experience practicing law. Must be admitted to practice law in the State of Connecticut.


Residency in the State of Connecticut is required at the time of appointment.



The State of Connecticut is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.


As defined by Sec. 5-196 of the Connecticut General Statutes, a job class is a position or group of positions that share general characteristics and are categorized under a single title for administrative purposes. As such, a job class is not meant to be all-inclusive of every task and/or responsibility.