County of Alameda

Retired Annuitant II (#1091)

Bargaining Unit: (095)
$17.28-$177.64 Hourly / $1,382.40-$14,211.20 BiWeekly /
$2,995.20-$30,790.93 Monthly / $35,942.40-$369,491.20 Yearly


Incumbency in this class is limited to individuals who are retired from regular employment in the Alameda County service. Appointees are assigned the full range of duties of another presently existing class and perform those duties in the capacity of a limited term appointee to the Retired Annuitant II class.

The class exists to facilitate the temporary reemployment of retirees pursuant to California Government Code Sections 31680.2, 31680.6 and Alameda County Board of Supervisors Resolution Number R-2002-518, thereby effecting appointment without reinstating the appointee to active status in a retirement system and without termination or suspension of his/her retirement allowances. The nature of this class, including its unique appointment standards and limitations as to the nature and duration of incumbency, reflects the requirements of those sections of the Government Code.


Retired Annuitant II is part of a four-class series that also includes:

- Retired Annuitant I
- Retired Annuitant – Safety I
- Retired Annuitant – Safety II

1. Retired Annuitant II and the other classes in this series are distinguished from all other Alameda County classes in that:

 Appointment to, and incumbency in, these classes is limited to individuals who have retired from the Alameda County service. Appointments that are intended to come within the scope of Government Code Sections 31680.2 and 31680.6 are made to classes in this series exclusively.

 Classes in this series do not have specifically assigned duties. Appointees are assigned the responsibilities of another class in the Alameda County service specified by the Human Resource Services Department.

 The appointment of a specific individual to a position in this series, or a combination of positions in the series, is limited to a maximum of 120 working days or 960 working hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year or other twelve month period specified by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors.

2. Retired Annuitant II is distinguished from the class of Retired Annuitant I in that Retired Annuitant II positions function on an 80 hour biweekly work schedule and perform duties that are ordinarily assigned to a class whose positions are also on an 80 hour biweekly schedule. Retired Annuitant I positions function on a 75 hour biweekly work schedule and perform duties that are ordinarily assigned to a class whose positions are on a 75 hour biweekly schedule.

3. Retired Annuitant II is distinguished from the classes of Retired Annuitant - Safety I/II in that Retired Annuitants - Safety I/II perform duties that are ordinarily assigned to classes bearing a “Safety” designation in the Alameda County Human Resources Management System. Positions in the Retired Annuitant II class are not assigned duties of that sort.

To be appointed to this class, a proposed appointee must meet all of the following requirements:

1. The proposed appointee must be retired from a regular appointment to a position in the Alameda County service and must not be presently incumbent in another Alameda County position.

2. The proposed appointee must have current and continuing (through the term of appointment to the Retired Annuitant II position) status as a retiree.

3. The proposed appointee must possess the “Minimum Qualifications”, “Licenses” and “Special Requirements” described in the specification for the Alameda County class that ordinarily performs the duties that are to be assigned to the Retired Annuitant II position to which his/her appointment is proposed.

4. The proposed appointee must meet all other requirements for employment in the Alameda County class that ordinarily performs the duties that are to be assigned to the Retired Annuitant II position in question (including but not limited to education, licensure, certification or experience requirements imposed by regulatory agency rules, federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation.)

NOTE: The Civil Service Commission may modify the above Minimum Qualifications in the announcement of an examination.


Appointees to this class must possess the knowledge, skills and abilities described in the specification for the Alameda County class that ordinarily performs the duties that are to be assigned to the Retired Annuitant II position to which his/her appointment is made. The level and scope of the knowledge, skills and abilities required of the proposed appointee are related to the duties listed in the “Examples of Duties” section of that specification.

CC:pf 9/16/03
Newspecs: 1091.doc
CSC Date: 10/1/03
JO:pf 8/22/05 Revised/Retitle
{old title: Retired Specialist II}
CSC Date 8/31/2005


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