Official SealHuman Resource Services Department

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name
First Name

Applicants for this position are required to submit responses to the following supplemental questions.  Your completed responses to the supplemental questionnaire will be evaluated to determine your qualifications and must be completed properly in order to be given full consideration for the next phase in the selection process. Additionally, your responses will also be evaluated and used in the selection process in order to identify the best qualified applicants.  Responses should be thorough and specific.  A lack of detail and explanation in the supplemental questions and in your application may result in failure or disqualification for this position.  Clarity of expression, content, experience, grammar, spelling and the ability to follow instructions will be considered in the evaluation process.  A resume will not be accepted as a substitute for properly completed responses.

Information provided in your responses to the supplemental questionnaire regarding your employment experience must also be detailed in the Work Experience section of the application for this recruitment.  Please be sure to list all employers and required information on your application, especially if you are referencing those employers in your responses.

Do you understand the above statement?

Yes No

Please describe your specific experience processing and explaining health, dental or vision related benefits to employees.  In your response, please detail the types of benefits you were responsible for processing and explaining, and the name of the organization/company for which you performed these duties. Please be detailed in your response.


Please describe your experience, role and responsibility with Open Enrollment.  Provide the name of the organization/company where you performed these duties.  Please be detailed in your response regarding the process and system(s) used.


Please describe your specific experience processing retirement related benefits in a public pension system, such as CalPERS (California Employees' Retirement Association), ACERA (Alameda County Employees' Retirement Association), CCCERA (Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association), or a similar system. In your response, please detail the name of the pension system, the type of entries you were responsible for and the most challenging task you had to handle.    


Provide an example from your previous assignments, which required mathematical calculations of premiums, salary analysis and adjustments, and/or preparation, analysis and manipulation of a large variety of statistical and analytical data. Please provide detailed example(s) and what tools you utilized to reconcile and validate the data.


The supplemental questions were designed to elicit your experience related to the current recruitment to verify minimum qualification further and identify the best-qualified candidates for this position.  Only the best and most suitably qualified candidates will be invited to participate in the oral interviews.  By selecting yes below, you certify your understanding that all applicants who meet minimum qualifications are not guaranteed to move forward in the process.  Do you understand the above statement?

Yes No

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